Divine Steed needs to go

im not sure if its only me but that ability is not fun to press especially if you are Tauren or Zandalari Troll, the animation is not fun nothing about this ability makes me wanna press it expect its our only mobility, now in Dragonflight we get 2 sec duration for it with a Paladin talent, can you just remove it and bring back Speed of Light

Speed of Light
3.5% of base mana

Instant 45 sec cooldown

Requires Paladin

Increases your movement speed by 70% for 8 sec.
functions the say way but visually was way more fun to press it and play with it, give it back in Dragonflight or make it a choice between Divine Steed and Speed of Light.


Divine steed = speed of light.

yeah but at last with speed of light you are not getting on top of a giant Kodo or Triceratops and get stuck everywhere it was way more fun to use and even if you glyph it u still get a big giant horse.

Yes but with the QoL of not getting stuck on a doorway lol.

Wasnt there a period of time where paladins couldnt get into the tunnels with divine steed in WSG? Lol

Divine steed if stays needs to change from a pure mobility skill to alike diablos version of it on diablo.

Chains enemies around the paladin with holy chains and drags them taking holy fire damage while chained.

Used in pvp as a CC to peel and in pve to clump monsters together for AOE burst. The speed of light + long arm of the law for mobility.

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