Divine Steed

Can this ugly ability finally get removed or can we atleast get a glyph to change the animation/appearence ? This has been requested so many times in Legion and even in BfA Beta. I don’t understand why this is still in the game and going into shadowlands aswell.

Everytime I use this ability I hate my paladin.


There’s already a Glyph -

As well as 4 ‘glyph’ like items like -

that allow you to change the appearance to your Legion class mount.

maybe I should have phrased that differently but this is not what I meant. I was talking about to remove that horse completely and replace it with something like Speed of Light.

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Agree that would be awesome, or some sort of speedy bubble.

I love my holy dino plowing. Makes me feel like I’m going places, stupid fast…for a few seconds.

I would also love something like speed of light!

Not only that the charger just looks terrible and is a cheap copy from the D3 Crusader - it can also hinder your for example in Visions of Stormwind to move fast through buildings since your characters model size is significant larger.

WOW, I have something similar in my mind but NOT Speed of Light! I am dreaming about Paladins have no requirements for mounts since the new animation for Avenging Wrath is OP. Try imagining the Paladins traveling the world in perma Avenging Wrath but no buffs, only the mount speed. The same can be said also about the Divine Steed spell… Just enhance your Paladin with wings instead of the Charger and it will look much more cooler and real/magic.

These posts are so dumb it’s beyond reason.

A paladin mounting a golden charger in mid combat to charge at his foes is not only unique as hell, it’s iconic and fits the class like a glove.

Against a boring movement speed increase like every other generic speed boost… Wow, i mean the thought of a plate wearing class running around like a rouge is hella dumb to begin with.

Get outta here.

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