Divine storm animation nerfed in wotlk/wrath

Hello, my question is why did Blizzard basically butchered original wotlk divine storm animation that is now just divine and not storm anymore?
Also seems to last shorter and it used to be one of the coolest spells in the game maybe to date for many players.

It raises the question how many of these animation or other “under the radar” changes are being made.
Could anyone please explain thought process behind this decision or atleast give us some graphical settings options to enable/disable “spell FX”?


It would help if you’d linked to some videos before /after so we can see the change ourselves.


This is probably how it is in the modern client by default and they don’t wanna spend the time to change it back.

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Yeah one more thing they do not know was different in Vanilla/TBC/Wrath and do not care to change back even when told / asked to.

OP is 100% right , the divine storm animation as it is on wotlk classic beta is NOT the correct one. Currently the animation is too short, has no storm lightning effect on your character and doesn’t last long enough. The animation they currently have is (i think) the nerfed cataclysm one after divine storm was no longer part of the core rotation.

I’m sure everyone who mained a ret paladin in wotlk noticed this and blizzard should fix it before release since it’s such a core ability in the ret pala kit in wotlk + all other spells have the original wotlk effects so i don’t see why they should change this one which is one of the coolest looking spells period.


Not to be a debbie downer but I think theres about a 0 % chance they fix it.


There are many videos on yt and I also happen to have some of my own from the 2008.


Damn thats night and day, youre right what a shame.

This is such a stupid argument since all spell effects are different on retail and yet they change it to fit classic. This is just an incompetent employee who put in the cataclysm animation instead of the wotlk one.


I think you are missing the point here.

No one is putting in anything. Blizzard have literally done nothing. Removed nothing and added nothing. Nerfed nothing.

They are using the modern client and this is just how it is by default when they do nothing.

So you need to ask Blizzard to do something.


No they definitely did something, this is not the retail divine storm or the legion one which the client is based on. This is the cataclysm version so they put the wrong animation in.


The lack of animation is really bothering me. Was looking forward to Wotlk Ret. The holy warrior feel, and afterglow effect on Divine Storm.
I suffered through vanilla classic and tbc classic playing retri. I demand you give me the proper animation, to unlock the final godmode.

No but rly, this animation should be just a bug. It looks bugged.


There is no such thing as default anything. They are using a modern client but they start that client without any data, including animations and textures. A client without data by default won’t have the spell at all, to have the spell they have to integrate into the client the data of animations, sounds, and textures. Having a modern client could change global things like how the light reflects like in the Blizzcon Classic video, but it won’t change a spell duration. This problem is due to using the wrong data, Cataclysm data for some reason.


This game is a sh*t show right now, I’ve lost count how many undocumented changes they’ve made. It’s day one and i don’t wanna login anymore.


Wait, so I was right. The lightning particle effect is missing from it. I didn’t know they nerfed it in beta. I just noticed it today and made a post on the forums about it, to which no one responded. I assumed if no one replied then it probably meant people expected it to be added later on during the expansion.

Why would they remove the lightning particle effect from it?

Comparision video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mTsJxqXvHK0


They probably know it’s the wrong animation but because most people don’t notice it they probably don’t even plan on fixing it since they know they can get away with it. They prefer spending their resources coding body types, new lfg tool, deluxe edition package xD.


If private servers can get it right, blizzard can get it right. Just be louder and they’ll get it done.


Good comment right there. If that proves to be the case, I will be a bit pissed


Me and many other people have been making reddit/forum threads and mass reporting this ‘bug’ ingame since wotlk beta started but they just don’t care. When i tell other paladins ingame it is the wrong animation most don’t even believe me and say i am wrong because they either are retail people or don’t remember wotlk properly like us. I lost hope for divine storm fix with this classic development team.


This is such a downer If they dont fix it