Divine storm animation nerfed in wotlk/wrath

Why is this bothering so much:

2010, Wotlk. We have the coolest animation of Divine Storm so far.

2011 and so on: Divine Storm is being removed in single-target rotation.
Animation is gradually getting striped down for every expansion.
2015 or something, the spell and it’s animation is revamped completely.
People don’t even remember how cool and iconic it was.

2022 Wrath classic comes, and I’m so excited to finally cast this epic ability again.

Then. This. Wtf.


Ikr it tilts me so hard that i made my priest my main and not gonna touch my paladin prob lol just can’t play him knowing how they managed to ruin divine storm from the perfection it was in wotlk.


Please don’t let this fall under the radar Blizz, it hurts everytime the animation cuts off into half of what it’s supposed to be (as shown in the videos).

The spectacle of light is part of playing a pally, esp ret. Don’t take away the flavor of the Paladin, the class that is iconic to Wrath immersion!


It’s a bumper yeah, seems they’re so busy adding crap nobody asked for or wanted rather than actually making an effort to resolve issues which are so simple to fix yet would make so many people happy.


Doesn’t feel like this is a priority.

This is so accurate holy shet

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To top off the slap in the face, desecration has the ghoul arms back that was removed because of performance issues back in WotLK OG.

I don’t think Divine Storm ever had any real performance impact, but here we are.


Mythic + nobody asked for or needed at phase 1 is though… it wouldn’t take very long at all to replace that animation, quite frankly I’d imagine only minutes at most considering they likely have those files on hand.

They’re too busy hotfixing Nightbane not requiring the quest to do anymore :wink:

How could they get this expansion so wrong…

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The same way they got Cataclysm wrong.

Listening to the loud minority and trying to grab as much cash as they can.

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More we go on and discover new bugs , the more I think blizzard has bought wotlk database from a private server , maybe they’ve deleted their old database and never thought they would run it again , Imagine not being able to fix a visual spell bug for 2 months , GREAT :smiley:

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Still not fixed.

Glad to write this to you all guys , Divine storm animation is now fixed after months :smiley: still not perfectly fixed and complete as it should be but somehow fixed and now is much smoother (doesn’t break the animation by itself)



Deal with it. When’s the last time we saw a mage complain about the butchered Blastwave animation?

Well, why don’t you?


Yea hopefully it will get completely fixed, its just small semi fix and the animation lasts longer as it should.

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Honestly, I couldn’t care less about Divine Storm particle effects and animation.
I play Protection/Holy and reason behind that is that I find the pre-cataclysm Retribution play-style dull and boring.
I must admit though that it got some improvements from times where all you did was seal, judgement, other seal, auto-attack, repeat.

Divine Storm animation alone is tempting, but even if get restored to former look, it’s not enough to make me reset talents and go sub-par DPS.

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