Division in Alliance ranks

Except that every action taken by Sylvanas has ended in failure. Anduin = 0 drawbacks. Sylvanas = all drawbacks.

The fact that there is a revolution already brewing, and even the ones that support her are already having their qualms about it, points at the opposite of what happens with Anduin.
The exact opposite.

I am actually at the point, where most horde leaders can be killed off. I am falling in rage when thinking of all the passivity of all the horde leaders when faced to Sylvanas acting.

Now, after nearly 50 oral complaints and over 5 angry letters to Sylvanas complaint management Pestcaller, Baine decided to act… and what does he do? Kills Horde soldiers and helps alliance…

Meanwhile all the other Horde “leaders”: <afk>

How funny that these Horde players are so desperate that they believe a vague statement from Ion means that the Alliance will go throw a civil war arc. Civil war against whom? Tyrande and her band of refugees, most of which are Anduin’s hostages? Don’t make me laugh.

The military drawbacks for the Alliance are relatively minor, I’ll give you that (deus ex flying ship), but he actually fails horribly in what he sets out to do.

Before the Storm? He set out to bring the Forsaken and Humans back together to show that they could live peacfully with each other. Result? Sylvanas gets rid of the more peacable Forsaken.

War of Thornes? He argued that Tyrande shouldn’t risk herself in battle, while the Horde seemed to be destined to win. Result? Malfurion stood alone and was stopped from killing Sylvanas by an axe in the back, resulting in the burning of Teldrassil.

Lordaeron? He set out to strike at Sylvanas, and Sylvanas alone. To stop the war while it was still starting. Result? Sylvanas escaped, Lordaeron was destroyed and he got nothing.

Dazar Alor? His goal was to keep the Zandalari and the Horde apart, to make the trolls unable to act against the Alliance. Result? Zandalari join the Horde, with a personal vendetta against the Alliance.

All of Anduin’s plans until now were collossal failures, and he helped to perpetuate the war he was always trying to stop.

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Not Civil war. I hope at least the alliance part of community will have no need in this story.

Tyrande is free to start a civil war against Anduin. Of course she’d be stomped as she has no ally and Anduin is a very popular leader, even amongst the Kaldorei.

But it’s Blizz fault because Sylvanas needs the spotlight without any handicap.

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Nah, Saurfang isn’t afk, he quit the game and is trying out something new for a time. So he represents a good part of the playerbase, after they saw BfA!


The characters stand and fall with their (missing) writing. So yea. It is Blizzards. Does it change anything?

Hmm, not really no…

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No need in civil war. Just let different parts of your faction have different goals… that can not be achieved all. Just the old RPG reputation worked.

Anduin deside not to assist Tyrande on the Dark coast but attack Zandalari Capital.
+ 5 Reputation to Jaina
- 20 Reputation to Tyrande

Genn refuses to Ignore Elfen Problems
- 10 Reputation to Anduin
+ 60 Reputation to Tyrande

Resulting in Fail on one of both fronts and not like it is now. Completely without consequences…

Tyrande will want to make bolder moves maybe? and Anduin wont?

Maybe someone is very anti undead unlikely but maybe someone gets a bit like the scarlet brotherhood and Anduin is all like “No this goes to far!” the alliance have morals and we are boring!

Whatever happens its going to be weak.

the issues with the alliance should have been at the front already the moment Teldrasil burned there should have been voices shouting especialy over anduins failure to prosacute Genn in stormhein.

So, Blizzard wants to transform Alliance (which was standing as one all the history), in to the second Horde. . .
So sad to see how new not competent story writers are ruining the game.

Yes. They should be asking for the complete annihilation of the Horde and nothing less. The Horde was given so many chances by now to redeem themselves, and yet in a span of a few years two manicas came to power and both of them started world wars. How many more towns and cities have to be destroyed until the Alliance says, “Enough is enough.” Southshore. Teldrassil. Theramore. Gilneas.

Instead however the writers work tirelessly to put everything bad on Sylvanas. It wasn’t her who fired the catapults at Teldrassil. It wasn’t her who decided to slaughter innocent farmers in Stormsong. And it’s not like the entire Horde is still tagging along with her.

It becomes a problem when a character like Daelin Proudmoore is portrayed as being in the wrong (for example during the Jaina questline), however what you see ingame makes him look entirely justified and correct. Same with characters like Rogers and Greymane.

Yet, Blizzard is expecting the Alliance to go, “Yeah it wasn’t the entire Horde! It was only Sylvanas!” If it wasn’t the entire Horde…why are blood elves, trolls, tauren and everyone else still following her?

That’s the Wrynn superpower


Nothing is going to happen. It just ion lie over hype dialogue, that’s all…

Everything will go back to normal as usual, boring…

It’s Ion, don’t get your hopes up.

Ah Hope… Story is lost. There is no hope for Men.

All you can see here are single body parts of Hope, and his little brother Interest, stitched together to some kind of living abomination, that looks on all the possible ways into the future with no target visible. And the only feeling it is able to feel is sickness of the current way to the invisible destination.