is it just me or does Blizz seem to be purging the divisive characters from its lore in DF?
Nathan Stinkman (annoying & unpopular) is dead. Actual dead, not “lol Valk’yr rez pls” dead.
Sylvanas (unpopular) is stuck in the afterlife’s septic tank with Tyrande’s owl (not unpopular).
Anduin The Rockin’ King is gone for “several years” and is possibly dead/ has become evil hell-mutant & will need to be killed (not canon but my birthday wish).
many annoying characters remain but i think these three are the most divisive of the Major Characters, and i don’t think it’s a coincidence they’ve all been shuffled off-stage for a while at the same time. i think it’s a sign blizz is at least to some degree sensitive to popular reception of its big dudes & is willing to move the story around to accommodate it. as much as i dislike these characters i’m not sure that’s wholly a good thing.
The BfA+SL-plot was a gigantic failure, and thankfully they are not stupid enough to continue it. Sylvanas and Anduin were the main characters of the plot of the last 4 years, and Nathanos is pretty much defined by his attachment to Sylvanas. So yeah, they’re likely benched until they can come up with a way to bring them in that doesn’t repell the playerbase.
Apart from that, circling out main characters isn’t exactly a new thing. The Khadgars, Jainas, Tyrandes and Thralls of the game don’t get used every addon, either, at least not in more than a side appearance.
And maybe more relevant than that… Dragonflight hasn’t even started, we haven’t seen much of any A-plot, and we can expect 3-5 patches with story content during the addon’s duration. So as hopeful I am that they aren’t focussing on the “divisive” characters right now… that feeling might be short-lived. Anduin could easily be back at the finale of Turalyon’s next story arc, whatever that might be, for example.
Blizzard’s issue is that they’re running on fumes and can’t seem to be able to create new marketable A list characters. Sylvanas was the last one standing and they battered her damn well enough over the past 3 expansions so she needs time to recover and for her haters to latch onto the next character saddled with the writers’ adhd.
Which i would call the ultimate concern. That they haven’t learned and are going to repeat the same mistakes, which have plagued and continue to plague these characters among many others.
I think I have much more than enough of Anduin, Sylvanas, and Tyrande.
I used to like Thrall but the way they handled his character without any character development since Cata/MoP isn’t great. He’s literally just there for the sake of being there or to represent the horde playerbase. That’s Thrall purpose at least since WoD in the story
Baine is… Tbh if the players are given the option to trade his soul for Cairne’s soul then most of us will rather have Cairne back over Baine.
Yeah… I think we can move on with the next characters. I’d not mind Khadgar back again if truth be told. I enjoyed his company in WoD and Legion so I’d not say no but I understand some people had enough of him so yeah… Time to watch the community simping on the aspects
We’re fortunate enough to have a break from the first two, but not so fortunate to have a break from the last.
What have we done to deserve Tyrande in yet, another expansion - when her whole arc could have been sorted in 9.2.5. (AKA - move Nelfs to Hyjal permanently.)
Though I used to love Sylvanas, at this point I’m just glad she’s gone, because it means we won’t have to endure the terrible narratives writers had built around her anymore. Also I’m most definitely happy Anduin is out of the picture for now : he was a terrible character, his “development” has been exceedingly harmful to the story as a whole, and everyone’s just better off without him.
Hey, im not a big fan of her as well but Tyrande deserves to be in Df, along with some other characters like Jarod! Specially Jarod! We need more male night elf characthers that aint druids.
I personally feel like Valtrois and Stellagosa are a package deal since they’re one of the best pairings Blizz has created in years. Which would bode well for her showing up since it’s already been datamined that Senegos is gonna make an appearance.
By the same token it makes sense for Jaina to have some interactions with Kalecgos since the last time we’ve seen them together they were an item. So it’d be pretty sad if they skipped out on her the one time it actually makes sense to include her lol.