I tried my favorite alt today (Unholy DK) after the recent buffs and I totally love the soul reaper execute playstyle! Also love the big death coils and clawing shadows.
I would say - in terms of damage profile and spells interactions, this is the best Unholy has been in a long time!
Now to the bad part - DK seems to be only playable with a healer. In all other forms of PVP the defenses seem outdated:
Death pact has a huge downside, which should have been removed 10 years ago
Death strike should feel rewarding as you must be in melee range, and not disarmed, and spend resources, but is very weak (unless they got you from 100% to 10% in 3 sec, which can happen)
Please devs, less “class fantasy” for the sake of it, more efficiency it’s 2023, we’re not in wrath of the lich king any more
Actually, more “class fantasy” would be what you want. In lore and in WOTLK Dks were unstoppable death juggernaughts that were mega-self sufficient, a one man army, and would require kiting, peeling, outplay and outsmarting to be beaten.
Now, a monk dressed in leather and with bare fists can punch you do death in 3 seconds with not much for you to do.
There is zero threat to be in meele range of a dk, so now dk has to play like a demo lock as unholy, or as a sub rogue as frost.
Keep runing and kite between burst / let pets and dots do damage.
Instead of the lichborne 15% talent, give us a real defensive talent: Boneshield or something. Reduces physical damage taken by 20% for 8 seconds. 1 minute cd. Basically a weaker version of Retri wall, but still way more then what we have now.
Make Deathstrike heal for 10% baseline + up to another 10% for every 20%hp lost in the last 5 seconds. ( so 20% capped if you got mega nuked, around 14-16% heal when focused). Thats not OP, its lower then it used to heal, but at least decent.
Those + the 20% death strike wall pvp talent from 10.1 would be good enough for DK to feel like DK again.