DK needs a buff

Dont see why you´re even bothering debating with his guy, hell i was gone for several hours doing some other stuff n the conversation is still going n he is still going circles to desperately attempt to feel relevant. Imagine dedicating your life to a game only to realize he isnt even relevant or special here.

If he wants to be the fat guy trying to convince everyone he used to be ripped, let him. Im yet to see him add any relevant input what so ever in a single forum thread n yet he spends seemingly his entire days here spewing nonsence. Just stop replying n he can enjoy his inferiority complex on his own.

It keeps the thread up with the title to buff DK! :wink:

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Congrats lil bro, you found boosters in LFG, what a shocker :skull:. I guess being a hardstuck rival for 5 year had it’s mental toll on you. Strong enough for you to change alts every week and name change and hide main from pvpcheck, while checking other players on that side. Hypocrite lil bozo :skull:.

At least you confirm that my boy ipanic lives rent free in your head, Luckily your brain has plenty of space.

Yeah man, I found boosters with no voice lfg where they were worse players than me :rofl:

It’s okay bro I can understand the envy you feel when people achieve better things than you ever could. One day you’ll get a Glad title…maybe :cry:

You forum dwellers are so funny, no wonder no good players post on here loool

True lil bro, I envy a boosted clown, who has to skip half of my points to pretend that he is winning an argument. Who also was a hardstuck rival for 5 year and bought a boost in BFA ( worst expac in wow history ( unforch )). On top of this, exposed of name changing mains on top of hiding them, exposed of posting on 7 different alt, and fun part is that your takes are so garbo that people still recognize you. That takes a skill lil bro :skull:.
Also i’ll pm panic to tell him that his fanboy on forum misses him. I got you :muscle:.

Nothing I wrote was a fiction lil bro. But if you want one I’ll just remind your excuse of being hardstuck rival for 5 year, which nobody asked for old man :skull::

Don’t forget to tell people on twitter that you work in NASA, when someone will tell you that you are probably have achieved nothing in life.

Oh no! When I played wow when I was 14 I wasn’t very good! How embarrassing!

Meanwhile, you’re a grown adult and STILL are trash at the game when it’s the easiest it’s ever been. That’s way more embarrassing than being bad as a 14 year old btw :skull:

The year is 2023 and your best achievement in arena is 1750 in 2s. Pretty sure I managed that backpeddling and clicking on a notebook laptop HAHAHAH

And based on what you are saying that I am grown adult, or why should anyone believe that you were 14 lil bro :skull: . Not like you haven’t been exposed of telling lies multiple times :skull: . I should stop replying to you tho, your mental issues are displayed more and more often :skull: . On top of this you are telling me that I have:

You must be very intelligent IRL to use a disability as an insult. Pathetic human being.

Disabilities quite literally put you at a disadvantage, so it is certainty reasonable to assume you have one cus ain’t no way any my guy’s best achievement in rated arena can be 1750 in 2v2. What happened, the slobber on your keyboard broke all of your keybinds? :skull:

No wonder you feel so much envy towards players that have achieved more than you ever will ahahaha

Side note: you know what I find absolutely hysterical about this thread? I ain’t queued since the first day of the season and I’m still higher rated than every single player that’s responded to me despite you all playing way more than I have LOOOOOOOL

AINTNOWAY you just doubled down on using disability as an insult. You are legit fried.

Lil bro is posting on 8th low lvl alt now.

If someone was doubting this statement before, won’t anymore I guess :person_shrugging: .

DKs only use is Death Gripping and thats about it.

calm it with the ableism.

Isn’t exactly a compliment, is it?

Probably also helps to explain why you have a 47% win rate from 72 rounds of Solo Shuffle at 1600 rating as Demo Lock too. Do you even Hand of Gul’Dan bro? :skull:

Hilarious thing is you can look up all of my low level alts that aren’t even updated to the current season, and their registered achievements are still better than anything you have managed in your entire time playing :skull:

What is ableist about saying disabled people are disadvantaged?

wish i clipped it, he just 150k crits every global, 2 second stun, into silence, i was dead.

So he was frost and you face tanked Pillar, that is the only logical explanation. That is his only only only win condition, and only worked because you probably didnt use anything.
What happened to the other 4 guys?

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what pillar, how can it be a pillar fi there is 4 other people, obviously it was not an arena
he just came at fel reaver, i spawned at full hp with block and trinke ton cd, and nuke dme with 1 stun and 1 silence and i couldn’t do anything about it, the others just died the same, idk, grabby hands and stuff, im clueless, i got hit 150k 4 times and died.

He talked about Pillar of Frost, Fdk CD.

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this forum section is for ARENA
not BG

thank you.