i accept Death strike needed a slight nerf but to not touch DH, Rogue or Guardian druid
I’m lost for words, instead of constantly nerfing death strike every season, replace it, fix, change it
give us something you would consider a healthy heal … this up and down buff and nerf every single patch is getting kinda boring
Why do you accept that death strike needed a nerf? U a traitor fury warrior main?
i dont accept it at 50% nerf,
i just cant be bothered to fight a losing battle
they have their minds made up about DK’s and it shows with the nerfs given
sometimes you just gotta give up
Giving up means we are gonna stay in a bad state, it honestly feels like the person balancing pvp just hates DK with a passion because he/she can’t beat em.
Bruh stop being a drama queen, I’ve seen blood dks survive 5 to 8 players at once, of course this needs a pvp nerf.
At least I can kill a dh or a Rogue. Guardian druid needs a nerf for sure but at least, I have a chance by kitting them as much as possible.
I see a dk, all I can do is “lolokbye”.
That’s not very fun gameplay if you ask me
Death Strike actually needed an unnerf which still was present from BfA. They just had to fix the necropolis bug and maybe take spellwarden out. Even fury warriors heal a lot more than DK without the death strike nerfs, tested it a couple of times.
Tanks should be banned from PvP.
BDK in PvE, where they’re ment to play, are still immense strong. On the edge off warranting another nerf imo.
BDK just received a huge nerf to healing gtfo
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they should just make death strike a blood only talent
and give unholy and frost their own versions of a heal
maybe a passive leech like DH
Death Strike was a healthy heal. The “gloom” and “unholy bond” talents scaling with Will of the Necropolis and Rune of Spellwarding pvp talent is what was unhealthy. The rest was fine. Will could’ve been reduced to 20% flat in pvp minus the gloom bonus, and spellwarding to be nerfed a bit for the casters. All of this could’ve been avoided, dk is now fresh meat for any physical damage class. Death strike heals 2% after mortal strikes hahaha
i did some pvp ( im 411 ilvl )
my death strike healed me for 11.5k for 40 RP
before nerf it was 30kish
and i dont use the gloom and will talents that affect it
tthe nerf is grossly over nerfed
My BDK tank yday in M0 solod 3 bosses in Halls of Infusion with 350 ilvl, let’s buff it’s healing more!
Why is this humongous pve scrub mage posting in our forum
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Lmao they could always do that and btw prot pala and sometimes BM monk could solo raid bosses it literally doesn’t matter
Now as unholy it’s more efficient to lichborne-coil yourself than pressing deaths strike.
I tried to make DS work but with no use, the things now are: if you have a healer in the party, you can use your two defensives wisely and try to outplay other classes by chain kiting; if you haven’t a healer just yolo ams and ibf to cover your cds and have a big go, that either ends with you or someone else dead, preferring the latter.
Honestly I would have nerfed will to 20%, removed rune of spell warden completely as a pvp talent and changed for frost and unholy the will talent to count as a proper damage reduction and not as an absorb, improperly inflating DS healing. Hell I would have removed that entirely from unholy and frost, I detest passive talents, they don’t require any skill and end up to the unavoidable nerfi of active abilities.
That would have been more than enough to put dks on par with other classes, given that our only sustain in a sustain heavy meta is self healing, which now we have none by the way.
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i actually think having conversion back would fix most of our issues with getting wrecked by leathers.
Excuse me this class is nerfed in all areas not just death strike blizz hate dk. when was the last time dk was s tier ? cant remember
yes but that is sacrificing a defensive cd charm removal just to heal bro other classes dont have to do that so why should we ? its not like a lay on hands either
everything started when presences were removed.