DK over all state

in my opinion and on multiple threads now ive stated how the DK class is old and outdated
death grip was good back in the day when movement speed wasnt a big issue. but now every class has more movement and gap closers and thus it makes death grip outdated and pointless

the class needs a redesign

LMAO, in 10 characters.

You canā€™t seriously call one of the most influential spells in our kit pointless.

its current form yes, you get a death grip every 25seconds. its nothing compared to mobility all classes have in current retailā€¦

if we were talking about expansion in the past it would of had relevance , but pvp wise it doesnā€™t hold the power it once had

100% of dks in pvp are necrolord for 1 reasonā€¦ for the 2nd automatic death grip

We have grip + chains and at least 1 low cooldown mobility of our own in deathā€™s advance.

If you have trouble closing the gap, maybe look at using Deathā€™s Echo, which gives -two- charges of both grip AND deathā€™s advance.

Pretending that grip is outdated is absolutely ludicrous when you take into account the value of taking someone out of position in a single button press.

P.S. For the record, 25 seconds is a -tiny- cd.

trust me i get what you are saying here, but ill have to disagree with you, the design is flawed as the mobility of classes increases , the mobility of a DK should too,
in my opinion a lot could be fixed if we had similar movement
pvping as a DK at the moment is unfortunately not fun

and without going out on a limb here. pun intended , necrolords abom limb would of been a nice baseline kit, and forces us to not realy experiment with other covenants

I donĀ“t trust someone with even worse rating on this class than me, sorry.

Everything you say screams that Hunter really is just a better class for you.

but you are unrated in arena? and 1630 in rbgā€¦

i was 1800 in s1 does that make me ā€œbetterā€ ?

grow up

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Apparently youā€™ve never heard of the brilliant tool called check-pvp.

If you had, itā€™d tell you that Iā€™ve outrated you in every bracket at some point.

Death grip in RBGs is literally one of the top 2 reasons that DK is a must-have class. Your insistence on it being bad or mediocre shows that youā€™ve got very little grasp of whatā€™s actually an issue for us.

you miss the point ā€¦
you need to grow up throwing rocks like you are some child. "but im better than you " mentality .
no1 cares about what you do , or what bracket you are in. the class is terrible. accept it and move on
RBG 1 spot for a DK shot callerā€¦ WOAH hold the phone we are amazing ā€¦ right?

just a glorified death grip bot in a dead PvP version of the game " rbgs"

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Itā€™s certainly not terrible because of death grip.

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