for the last few months there was an issue when your summoned pet would have to be resummoned every time you flew a bit and dismounted. There was actually a workaround for this by using a different mount as some didn’t have this bug (for whatever reason).
After the update, it looks like all the mounts are broken now and after every flight, I have to resummon the ghoul.
Is this the case? Can this be confirmed?
Edit: After a day of playing like this I have to say it is insane how disruptive this is to the open-world gameplay. It should’ve been hotfixes already. Incredible…
I got the same issue, was fixed for a bit, now broken again
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Agree with you. Got the same problem. After a faction change 2 days ago i got the issue.
Wrote to Blizz about it yesterday.
If i get attacked in the open world i first need to summon my pet (Raise Dead) before i can start the fight = half my heath is already gone.
I really hope they fix it soon.
Raise Dead is supposed to stand by our side always and be summoned by itself…
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I still have the issue on my main DK, the strange thing is, on my other DK I do NOT have the same problem. Everthing is configured the same, tried all the usual troubleshooting, nothing helps…
it does say “you do not have a pet to summon” so it obviously tries to do it but can’t for some reason
it was the same thing in pre patch, got fixed the evening of launch
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I also have this problem and it’s only on this DK I have this issue with. It appeared after the anniversary patch.
I’ve tried my other four DKs and they do not have this problem, it’s really annoying since this is my main character.
I have tried to reset my cache and I also disabled all my addons, nothing worked.
Friendly reminder that this is still not fixed. But I suppose since it doesn’t affect raiding or m+ it will never be taken care of for us filthy open-world casuals. 
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I’ve started having this problem with 11.0.5 launch. Even the taxi inside Nerub’ar palace makes me resummon my ghoul every time I use it.
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I was actually wondering why I need to resummon my pet all the time lately and I just realised it’s the mount.
There’s a few other issues, for example the web bridge leading to Sikran in the raid, always dismisses my pet for whatever reason.
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it’s been weeks now…still not fixed
There are a few bug reports on the US forums and already multiple threads here and yet it is still not officially acknowledged or fixed.
On the contrary, it sparked a discussion on the US forum with some people claiming that the ghoul actually should be resummoned in every fight. Sheesh. 
Happy belated one-month anniversary!
Anyway, I just remembered this macro that serves as a sort of decent workaround for open-world content:
/cast [nopet]Raise Dead;Dark Transformation
Basically, if the ghoul is not up, the first click summons it, and the second uses Dark Transformation. If the ghoul is up, the button serves as Dark Transformation only.
It still sucks to do open-world content like this but the macro makes it at least a tiny bit better.
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That’s sick I’m going to give it a go. Saves me one bar slot for just summoning the damn thing too. Thanks for sharing this.
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New update went live today and the issue still remains so…
I have the same issue on exactly one of my DKs (its a mechagnome if that should matter).
The pet is gone everytime I mount up. After dismounting there is for a brief moment the error message “You do not have a pet to summon” on the screen. This is going on for months now and makes normal gameplay really highly annoying. Even with it macro’d to some ability, you have fights where you mount up and down faster than 30s (farming wax for example).
I’ve tried respeccing, switch specs, use different mounts, nothing helps.
How is this still ongoing?
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I have the same issue since TWW launched. This is veeeeeeeeery frustrating indeed. I have talked to the GMs and they said I need to wait for an update. We had one but, it is still broken. I am going to list what I tried and noticed:
- The problem is indeed about mounting. When you mount up (whichever flying style you choose, it does not matter), your pet disappears. When you land, it says “You do not have a pet to summon” and the pet does not come back up.
- I switched flying styles, it did not work.
- I changed to use different mounts from different expansions, it did not work.
- I logged into my other DK in another server, it does not have this issues. So this has to be character and realm specific.
- I deleted my interface, cache, and WTF folders. It did not work.
- I had a glyph for Anti-Magic Shell color blue and removed it. It did not work.
I do not have anything special in my character. So, the problem still persists. Please someone suggest a solution…
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Also, I noticed this lately:
When you change zones, for example; you have your pet up, you fly and the pet disappears. You get into a portal, the pet comes back again. Weird. So I think the pet is still there somehow…
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Yeah I noticed something goofy like that between portals. For example going to the anniversary event in tanaris from Dornogal.
Portal Dornogal to orgrimar removes the pet.
If I summon the pet whilst in orgri then walk straight to the caverns of time portal, the pet will disappear again (and likely be on CD)
But, if I don’t summon the pet in orgrimar, as soon as I step through the caverns of time portal, the pet will get resummoned automatically and it won’t count as ability that procs the CD or gcd.
Very weird!
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it has been months Blizzard, please fix this
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Still no resolution as this issue is server side (affects specific characters only). It’s weird always logging into a ghoul autospawning instead of my skeleton (glyph). Whenever I’m removed from a vehicle a ghoul will spawn and despawn in the air. It’s like the autospawn config server side is trying to serve the wrong type of minion and it fails. Genuinely makes open-world content painful.
Why there is still no solution for this? It is so irritating…
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