DK should have dispels. Change my mind

I think good idea would be to give DK dispels or at least self dispels. Like unholy could remove deseases, blood DK bleeds, frost DK curses ??

We already have a dispel under the form of the talent “Unyielding Will” and it’s a magical effect one. Though the 20s penalty on AMS makes it a very rare pic.

Having 3 different dispels spread across 3 specs just seems unnecessarily clunky.

DKs are generally designed around the idea of being an anti caster melee, hence why we got a lot of magical resistance abilities.

I’m unsure if you mean we should be able to dispel others or ourselves though. For others, I’d say no it just doesn’t fit any aspect of our fantasy.

I’m not against the idea us having an extra buff (especially after the shamans got theirs) but a dispel simply ain’t it. Something more suitable would an aura that debuff enemies instead.

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