Dk survivability in PvP

When are we going to address this issue? It’s been so long since the nerf hammer hit them out of the meta. Against two physical damage dealers or even a single warrior/hunter they just punching bags that die way too fast. Death Strike healing is mediocre and IBF is the only reliable damage reduction source which isnt even that sufficient with 30% on a 2 min cooldown (if talented, if not 3 min). How bout remove spellwarding since its bad after the nerfs and give them an actual way to survive physical damage like pumping death strike up a bit or something actually useful. Feels so bad playing my fdk into physical comps


Disarm no DS No heal not physical reduse. 10.1 story


Ye DK needs some love vs the melee zug zug train atm…
Maybe being able to death strike while disarmed …? The pvp talent in 10.1 is a good start though.

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The new talent seems ok. But with the current mechanics with death strike I think its going to be useless. Dodge/parry/immune/disarm all negate death strike and waste RP. It’s a bad mechanic overall.


We must be playing different game, there is no other explanation.

I play with a friend on 2s and 3s, who he plays Unholy DK, and he literally 1 vs 2 everyone alone lol. He is like dps tank, i dont know what you are talking about

1200 rating doesnt count.

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Also being Elite in Solo Shuffle doesn’t make you a pro, just to know

Kind Regards

I also have a friend who has a friend who plays uh dk and can crit 200k!

Go next lol


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