DK Tank LF Raiding & M+ Guild [English]

:drop_of_blood: Blood Death Knight LF Guild - MT/OT

Ex hardcore MT raider during the good ol’days, still kept up with WoW but been on Classic like all of us folks since it was released and back for TWW.

I am looking for a Raiding guild in EU, preferably English speaking, and on a good evening rotation to do Raiding content, I can commit to weekdays pretty easily in the evenings.

My primary focus and content will be doing Raiding, pushing Heroic + Mythic content ideally with the guild, pushing those M+ keys and having fun at the same time.

Currently sitting at 593 item level, bricked up you could say.

My Battle net is Hew#21787 as it will probably be easier to contact me through there.

Peace :slight_smile:

No idea why Whomper was selected from SoD :joy:

Tank account is:

Decayíng - Silvermoon