Insane burst DMG, insane control, blank silence, constant slows, grips. The class is an actual joke.
ye dk is so insane that its the least represented dps class at high rating in literally every single arena bracket.
Hey! DH holds that title by a big margin
One hander horsemen build with shatter talents should be pumping on frost, atleast thats what I have heard
Upwards of 2 million frost strike crits and the one tap build is also there
not rly. they are pretty much tied and the higher rating u look dh overtakes dk by a bit in representation. atleats in EU.
but ye both are absolute bottom tier.
could be alot better now after buffs ye.
Dk has less than 6 people playing above 2400 rating
dk needs buff
OP is just a caster moaning that he cant facetank a dk
DKs are perfectly fine, if anything they need more love. Blood however could do with some slight nerfs. Imho.
dk is just gross cheese, aslong as you know how to react to their go you should be ok
You must be really bad at the game.
you play disc, shut up
please tell me its not going full mastery again. getting all gear new will be a pain…
I agree, Voidweaver is a joke. But blank silence is only for shadow priests, not disc
You know class is down bad, when tank is the best choice for pvp out of 3 spec.
Not really, but thanks DK. DK’s are incredibly annoying to deal with, probably on par with how annoying Rogues and Warriors are, if not more. But of course you’d jump in to defend them. They have far too much control.
Ok DH, cool. Just because I play disc, doesn’t mean a class can’t be incredibly annoying to deal with.