Dks dealing x3 damage than my teammates and can't die

so clearly this class requires tuning

  1. one of the highest cutoffs r1 according to check-pvp.
  2. insane tankiness because of 3 AMSes now (LOL) + AMZ + IBF.
  3. biggest burst, biggest train. As a warlock can’t do anything vs decent dk (currently at 1.8k+ solo q)
  4. kick + pet kick + pet stun + silence makes impossible to cast anything
  5. grip makes impossible to kite

come on blizzard, wake up from your pile of money and do something


oh dk def die to physical damage, vs casters its a counter but still affi lock/frost mage can blast them if left unchecked

That’s the one thing they need to just remove.

They should have ONE out at most. ONE. Only one.

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tAkE a ChIlL pIlL, nOoNe iS gOinG to fiX bAlAnCe in pVp. AlL rEsOurCes aRe sPeNt on NeW eXpAnSiOn AtM

Should see Devokers, they melt you in seconds.

Shhh, dont draw attention to us! lol

Exactly. And as SP, add to this AMS having magical immunity, which means I can’t even do damage to break AMS, with Mind Blast being the only thing I can cast against it, which has CD and does pitiful damage

Their uptime is the only seeable problem for me. In terms of damage i dont think they are really that bad…marks hunters is the only class i feel right now is blowing people up, If one catches me casting with an interupt > into stun > into blanket silence and its game over

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