DK/Tank LF Casual Friendly and Social Guild (Open to RP guilds)

I’ve been taking a break from the game since Uldir due to real life situations after being a more hardcore player of the game. I’ve come back on occasion to do some new stuff but outside of rep grinds, I really haven’t done much. I’m looking to come back to the game and get back into tanking M+ and possibly raids (will be starting a new job soon-ish so whether I will raid or not will entirely depend on potential work hours). I’m not going to be a hardcore player any longer, so I’m looking for more relaxed guilds. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. I’m open to moving servers and what not if need be, but I wont be jumping on any decisions.

Looking for:
Social, friendly and active guild chat
M+ grouping
Potential to get into raiding once caught up (if real life allows)

Fun guild events that aren’t raiding. I know guilds don’t really do this stuff anymore (sadly) but in case there is some, I’m interested. Never tried RP, but I know RP guilds tend to do this kind of stuff more than non-RP guilds so I’m open to the opportunity.

If I do decide to raid it wouldn’t be more than twice a week at most as I will be working 12 hour shifts most likely. I’m not looking to push rankings or such like I did in my younger years. Just looking to have some fun and at least clear Heroic. I’m an experienced tank in raids (and dps and healer). Not going to put my raiding resume here as I don’t even know if I will be able to raid yet. If you really want to know then you can PM me on Btag or Discord. I’m far more interested however in the outside of raid community of your guild.

Btag: Jani#22940
Discord: Jani#2116

Hi Smile. Many thanks for your post.

I’m an officer of “Rekindled” on Sporregar (And associated realms) and it certainly sounds like you would be an absolutely ideal fit for us, and vice versa! I think we are exactly what you are looking for!

You can see our recruitment post here: [H][Ravenholdt] <Rekindled>, a WoW based community. Our door is always open

Both myself and our Guild Master have added you on the Battletag you supplied! And we very much look forward to having a chat!

All the best!