DK/WW Monk/Ele sham LF Raiding guild

Hi, thank you for reading this. I am Endra and I am 33 yo, hail from the Netherlands. Able raider, my english is good and I am looking for a semi hardcore raiding guild which can use a player able to raid on whats needed for the guild. Prefered raiding days 2 a week: Wed/Thurs/Sun.

I have been raiding since Vanilla and have gone from playing with RL friends and killing LK 25M heroic as 46th of the world to a more casual type of raiding with a few guilds. My rl friends dont play anymore and my guild just stopped raiding as the entire officer team collectively retired.

Looking for a new home for the upcomming expansion. Raided most of this expansion as Elemental/(backup)Resto shaman in this Guild (Starlight) but have raided on monk or dk for when necesary, last tier i raided as dk… but due to health issues i havent been able to raid the past 3 months.

I hope to find a new home for the upcomming expansion as raiding is my favorite passtime and helps me relax from rl outside gaming.
If you are interested in having a flexible raider, who can play on what the guild needs, lets have a chat! :slight_smile:

Endraine#2705 bnet

Other chars:
Endralith - Elemental shaman
Endrachi - WW Monk

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Hello Endra, I just added you on bnet so we can have a chat if you want! Thanks, Roz :slight_smile:

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have a look champ

Hi there,

If you are still looking let me know so we can have a chat!!