DM Problems

So a bit of backstory: I used to RP casually from Vanilla to Cataclysm before taking up raiding in MoP and WoD before quitting in Legion and returning in Shadowlands. So it has been awhile since I’ve properly RP’ed.

Managed to find an RP guild that I enjoy and love the concept of but it feels like something I do in RP disrupts the rp process. I’ve never played a game of D&D so perhaps I’m not used to the mindset.

Attending events is a lot of fun but with the way the guild operates at the moment the burden has been on a few select people who have their own problems outside of WoW and I don’t really want to be the ‘spoon fed’ person that takes without giving.

On one of the events I was given the opportunity to do a bit of mini dm’ing and lead a split group with their own objective but I totally choked it. We achieved the objective but it felt massively underwhelming (equivalent to walk to here, see what is there, go back) :zipper_mouth_face: and finished way before any of the other groups.

I do have another mini event upcoming that is purely lead by me so with more creative freedom and a plan of how it will go down without being too linear which is a good sign.

But how do you guys ‘get good’ :man_shrugging: have you ever had a situations where your brain just farted and things felt messy or disorganised?

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Absolutely yes.

I’ve been a DM for around 12 years now, mostly Warhammer, but the overall idea is the same. Whenever you can, prepare for a session. Players will appreciate that.

If you cannot do this though, make sure you understood guidelines for this campaign / event. When you’re familiar with the topic, the universe and all assembled entourage then you can improvise.

Be wary though: improvised parts of the session should compliment your main idea, not replace it. When you get creative it’s easy to get carried away. Don’t tell your players they’re now going to assault the Broken Shore just because they stumbled upon one Eredar on their way.

Good luck!


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