DMC-Magtheridon EU [H] - Recruiting for S2 TWW!

We’re a returning guild forming a new team, we have been together for 18 years and have raided at the highest level in the past.
Right now we’re building a new team, we have cleared 8/8hc as a guild, but most of us have experience up to 4/8m in S1 TWW with our previous guild.
Currently we’re recruiting all classes except tanks, but healers of any kind are a priority! We have a roaster of 15 people currently which we want to get to around 25 to comfortably raid Mythic content in S2 TWW. Outside of raids we will be running m+, as well as social/alt raid runs on off raid days.
Our raid days are up for discussion, based on what the majority wants to do. Currently we are doing heroic on Monday, but most likely will be raiding a combination of Wed/Thurs or Thurs/Sun in the next season.
You can find out more about is on Guilds of Wow, but it won’t let me link here xD
All socials also welcome!
If you’d like to discuss more, please reach out in Discord Digi#0243
