DMG reduction buff

Is the dmg reduction buff even out yet? Feels like i dont do dmg at all and stupid Hunters are still one shotting me

It’s weird. Most of the time it’s on, but then suddenly you deal full dmg to each other in another encounter.

I attacked a rogue killing a mob and did full dmg. Maybe it has to do with being in combat from PvE?


Weird, i dont even See a buff on me. Some people have it

I have encountered the same issue.

Hunter hit me for 2.8k chimera shot and a rogue with mutilate hit for 1k. Next engagement, same people were hitting for less than half that.


i think its out now, feels like maybe 50 % ?

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STV needs to have the damage reduction.

I did STV earlier today and with my plate armor/stamina gear, a hunter still critted me with chimera shot for 1.8k.

I know lvl 50 mages with 1.4k hp.

Who thought this would be anywhere close to balanced?

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