Do Amerca not like Blitz?

I’ve noticed the American blitz ladder hasn’t changed in weeks, still only around 8 players at 2.9. The rest of the ladder has barely changed in around 3 weeks.

But the EU ladder people at 3.2 and loads at 3k and dozens at 2.9. And the number of people at 3k and 2.9 keep flying up every day. So why do people like it more in EU but clearly got bored of it fast in US?

Because the majority of those at the top are the usual ones who are at the top in rbg, who are precisely the ones who are dedicated to boosting the r1 rbg, and they are interested in being at the top, not to mention that they want to make sure they are them the only ones that have the R1 of the spec. Furthermore, there are already some who are dedicating themselves to boosting in blitz, like a certain evoker with his boosting page, but blizzard doesn’t care despite the reports

Maybe people do not want play buggy part of game?

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