I got confused while progressing through the campaign (I guess I am in the middle of the max level campaign?). On one side they are saying titans are cruel with their birds etc. and on other side Speaker Brinthe says she trusts the titans with her whole heart after the titans send out a construct to kill them because they left their posts?
Am I missing campaign stuff or something because I am not sure when somebody is bashing on titans whether to cheer or not (storywise).
The Titans were never the good guys. That goes as far back as wotlk when Algalon tried to reset the whole world or Odyn waging war against non titanforged. The fanboys are delusional about the idea that they were ever benelovement. The only reason they helped us against the Legion is that their idea of chaos goes against their own programming of ordering stuff.
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Makes sense with the legion stuff, got it thanks.
I think it’s not as black and white as that. Or at least, I like to believe Blizzard is trying not to paint it like that.
Titans represented Order, in all its good and awful forms. The Earthen were the the epitome of stagnation, and how often it can crack under pressure once new ideals deviates from the established norm. You see this in the mannerisms of the Oathsworns and how strict and concise they are in comparison to the Unbound, who embraced lives of a more creative and free-thinking pursuit; to the point that they even made traditional celebrations and enshrine the idea of natural expiry is better than continuously losing themselves through constant rebirth.
If you haven’t done the side-quests of the Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps, I highly recommend it! At least, if not for the sake of understanding their story then for the meta achievements. There’s a lot to hate with blizzard nowadays, but I honestly think for the idea they set for themselves concerning the Earthen, it’s a pretty solid amount of chapters!
A storyline I personally enjoyed is the chapters concerning the areas around Boulder Springs and Mourning Rise. They go on to explicitly explain how the Unbound choose to live their lives and the end of a dear life for the Unbound.