I have not tried this in arena yet because i don’t have the gear for arenas yet.
But anyhow.
I am playing an orc warlock and i figured that if i stack up 4%hit and mainly the rest stats in haste and resilience (3,5k+) i would be able to tank a lot of damage without dying too quickly.
My plan is to use two damage trinkets with resilience and not use a pvp trinket.
What do you think?
Would it be possible to win and play without PvP trinket as an affliction warlock, and could the same strategy be applied to other specs as well?
I mean. If so, then we all don’t need to swap faction right?
Thats a bad Idea tbh, you dont only need the insignia to survive but also to secure a kill if you get ccd, so thinking that you kill stuff easier is sadly wrong
Oh well. Perhaps double affliction and a resto druid could be a composition in my mind. I don’t like the traitors that swap faction just to have the advantage by playing human. But i don’t see how these people would choose the struggle by playing horde in bg’s either.
It would be fun to have some kind of title that recognizes true brother in arms that wont swap faction because the grass is greener on the other side.
trinket is a must for pvp that’s why alliance players have advantage, horde racials are good for pve and some can be good in pvp for certain classes but none comes closer to being able to equip 2 trinkets
and no stacking resilence won’t save you from rogue openers to say an example
Simply answer to that is: play human and u can play what ever pve trinket u like
Some say troll others say meta discussion but the OGs keep it real
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