Do I need to engage in PvE to gear up for PvP?

Hello, I came back to retail WoW from Classic and I have a question about gearing. I’m going to focus purely on PvP, specifically healers (DP, MW monk). What should I focus on in gearing? In classic, you want some PvE gear for PvP, but how is it in retail? Should I focus on farming some reputation, collecting some emblems, doing dailies etc.?

I remember I used to have the Heart of Azeroth and I had to improve it somehow, also some legendaries that you could upgrade etc.

I don’t want to do any PvE content except the content that will make me stronger in PvP. So is there something related to PvE I should focus on? Thanks

No pve needed except leveling up have fun

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You need to do the introduction questline to reach Dornogal because the current PvP vendors are there. That takes about 20 minutes tops. Other than that you’ll need to reach max level.


Thanks for the tip. That was actually very helpful

i would advise u to do the campaign once. it will give u the ability to do a weekly quest that gives u a spark for crafted items. i dont know 100p but i think u need the campaign completed to do the weekly.
if u dont do that quest a week u will get a spark the next week by q’in pvp because of the catchup mechanic but ull always be one week late.

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Not needed, but highly time-effective. Spamming comp stomp for full honor caps while possible, that is pve you “need” to engage in.

What is it?

You don’t need the spark for crafting pvp items tough. It’s just for pve items. All you need are the Honor/Conquest tokens and the crafting materials