Do legendary power drop in normal? [answered]

do legendary power recipes drop in normal? or just heroic and mythic?


it finally dropped after spamming normal 9th try

yes. no idea about drop rate though.


Confirming. I saw a legendary drop in a normal dungeon at level 55.

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They drop in all difficulties.

I also don’t know if the drop rate changes though :confused:

Spamable contents have lower chance to drop.

do you have any confirmation of this?

There was an interview few days before sl launch with ion where he said, weekly locked contents like world bosses (which can drop legendary memory), have much higher chance to drop. Similar to raids aswell.

Saw the interview on WoWhead, dont know if its still up there.

legendaries drop in any difficulty
would be kind of unfair to people who don’t raid or don’t do pvp to just say ‘‘no sorry you cant have this essential piece of your character’’

you can do lfr or mythic nathria and they will give the same power

I can say for sure that my Normal and Heroic runs of De Other Side did not give me the Legendary I needed. But one run of Mythic 0 did the trick.

If others can testify the drop is in the loot table, then that’s cool. But if you can manage to get hold of a group that will take you to Mythic 0, then try there at least once for the week lockout.

Yes it drops on normal but drolrate isnt high. Run through spires of ascension for enhancer legendary for 35 runs now but i didnt get ir, but saw in that process a few drop for other players

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