Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

ohh the flood gates have opened have they?

well enjoy it while its recooked fresh :stuck_out_tongue:

(you know that really nice fresh meal which you just couldnt eat all ofā€¦ so had to leave it over night and microwave it in the mornign so it loses itā€™s flavour.)

That is Wotlk classic.

have fun regardless.

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Hey Twiggz! Are you feeling ok today?
You seem a lot more positive than usual! :clown_face:


Itā€™s just the pre patch, Wotlk starts late September :slightly_smiling_face:


Honestly, noā€¦

does it show that badly?

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Sorry to hear that!

Clown usually gets very sick of retail/classic sooner or later and always does the same routine. Which is level a new char in D2-Lod

Canā€™t get enough of the ā€œWow worldā€

GW2 and Lotro also works from time to time

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i donā€™t really know why i am here right nowā€¦

iā€™m just pointing out the mistakes people are making and how they can fix them to not make them again in futureā€¦

but honestly i get a feeling most the people are not really that interested in it, and are pretty happy falling into the traps blizzard have happily laid out before them.

doesnt really help that other problems are causing fair amount of issues fr me right now but yeah ā€¦ that is not topic for this placeā€¦

i am the ā€œrat kingā€ the ā€œangel of people nightmaresā€ because people fail to see the messages i give ā€¦

cā€™est la vie


Iā€™ll copy paste what I just replied to a friend on Disc

I donā€™t wanna touch Classic, donā€™t need more WoW in my life ^^ but seeing Arthas on the main page of the website is admittedly tempting.


nostalgia is a powerful drugā€¦

but iā€™ll tell you a secretā€¦

it burns fast and bright but never lasts.

My VHS collection begs to differ :sunglasses:

I couldnā€™t care less about what other people play or eat or how they dress. Do your thing!

Now being negative towards Blizzard specifically, that we can do! :smiley:

Wotlk is my absolute favourite expansion. When Iā€™m done with wotlk, Iā€™m trying out Shadowlands for the first time.
If Cata classic comes, Iā€™m not touching it.

Blizzard nostalgia only takes clown that far.

80s movie nostalgia will ofc last much longer than Wow. I think

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Do it, we need a new main tank since clown didnā€™t make the cut

not even the gameā€¦ im mad at honestlyā€¦

just their outright predatory method to inflate numbers by preying on their customers weaknesses ā€¦

they have all the Data they need on every single one of youā€¦ to be able to tickle your funny bone just the right way to get the required result.

you look around and you will see ā€¦

ā€œi shouldnt but i saw this now im thinking about itā€

that is exactly how they get you.

BK has had the clown ever since Big King (XL) was introduced

i somehow through some freak accident ā€¦ broke free

now none of it affects me.

was a time i would of been buying the collectors edition and all the bolts and nuts added onto it ā€¦

something changed though.


probably my favourite jack nicholson movie.

I got my best buddy to play it again after 11 years and we have a blast.

He is a disc priest and i play my ret.

Feels good.

Cause we mostly played killing Floor 2 and mainly escape from tarkov the past two years.

(In between some divinity 2 etc)

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nothing wrong with playing the game and the game itselfā€¦

i just have a lot of beef with their marketing.

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My simple clown point was; If I like the sound/looks/smell of something, I try it out. If I like it, I will keep it in my life!

Wotlk 80ā‚¬ edition clown will do a HARD pass on


oh i know i would probably enjoy classic wotlk for what its worthā€¦

but i also know i will suffer burnout and stop playingā€¦

why do i know thisā€¦

because it happened the first time i played Wotlk the first time around lolā€¦
the appeal of launch
all the people one place
just does not grab me like it used to ā€¦

itā€™s not the same as it was at the end of vanillaā€¦ hanging around the dark portal with so many people u couldnt see waiting for tbc to openā€¦

or being part of the 12.1million people which logged on for the Wotlk (original launch day)

wont be that numbers this time around lets be honest.

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We actually had to try this one from a Swedish burger chain

Bunless burger, taste nice but taste better with buns.

Clown likes to try new things. SOmetimes, clown goes a little too offroad

just noticed Jack Nicholson is the same age as my nanā€¦


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