Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Tank can get away with everything
Back in my raiding days we had a tank who banged his GF during raid… :expressionless:


Oh lawd… I’m not even that surprised, that is such a tank thing to do ^^

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It’s up? :scream::scream: Why no one told me!

Happy mood activated!


uuuuuuu i had’em when i was a kid!!!

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I just hit 70 yesterday and am now living in alterac bgs.
Getting that S4 gear as prep

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What a lad…
Well can’t argue either, also got my whistle blown while raiding.


If you and your dirty friends get this thread locked… clown will visit the guilty ones.

Clown will make himself very comfortable under your beds and invite all his happy friend and when you least expect it, we will have lots of fun!

Clown’s happy friends are party animals! Pennywise, Freddy, Jason, Chucky and Annabell!
Actually, Annabelle creeps us out, I don’t think we should tell her about our “slumber party”.

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Sounds even better then whole forum XD

It almost challenges me to get it shut down :kissing_heart:


I don’t think I’ve ever visited a butchers shop without spending +100€

Bratwurst street bbq!

(Hope all is good in da hood! as in, with the new house and family!)


I, for one, blame the Gnomes!
But we are innocent, innocent I tell you!

The Gnome community will hear about this.

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Tell all three of them I will be ready
:gun: :goat:

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Hahaha gnomes :coffee:

I really need to get back to AD soon.

In game or forum ?

So i know where I can… Follow you…

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ahahah this remind me a tv show from the 80s

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What in the hellfire citadel is that

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errr the big pink pandaren with long ears was called “tenerone”. The tv show was “drive in”, a massive success in italy for years. He could have beaten Omor unscarred with a hand tied

Clown is “stuck” in Wotlk and all we’re eating today is cheap hot dogs and 40% apple juice. ( wini-wink :clown_face:)
No ketchup, just spicy french mustard

Hope your all bellies are having a better day!

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