Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

this girl is pretty good too sheā€™s got better over the years imo.

great taste in music !

pretty much identical to my taste :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT:actually thought this was the music thread for a second my badā€¦


Every thread is a music thread to me. Itā€™s all I need in life.

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I had a crush on Betty for the longest time.

Both Boop and White :sunglasses:

Itā€™s only 22:44, it still counts!

Everythingā€™s just so strong, gave a whirl to Ret and it just melts packs and soloes elites with ease :drooling_face:

Destro too rocks, Shadow without a question is a pumper, everythingā€™s so bloody powerful!

And also got a heap of loot from MgT, including a powerful trinket. :pray:

I feel like this right now - LK for pallies is like TBC was for hunters. They got the short end of the stick though, coincidence? :rofl:

If it reaches the post cap count. And gets pinned. :yum:

And even then Iā€™ll just remake it for your sake.

It is useless to resistā€¦


You guys are such a bad influence on poor innocent me

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So was doing some lifting researchā€¦

They claim if i do 25 reps clean at my current weight i should probably increase the amount of weight im liftingā€¦ and aim for lower amount on repsā€¦

So tomorrow i shall add another 10kg and see how it goesā€¦

I think i will have to buy some more weightsā€¦

Can power through 12 reps with all the weights i own currently

Edit: just ordered another 40kgā€¦ that will take the limit up to 100kgā€¦

Seems like a good target to work towards for now.

Feel semi confident i could prob do my body weight for 12 nowā€¦

But dont wanna jump too far ahead of myself.

Thats bench press incase anyone was wondering.

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my preferred one is ra anderson


Donā€™t be getting too strong Twiggz!

And today clown is having random bread with garlic butter and random mortadella.

Even happy clowns have bad days!

Pickled eggs anyone?

Pickled cabbage, peppers and what not, very popular and awesome.
But eggs, a little risky!

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We decided to make something different with the chicken breast we have left.

Healthy chicken soup (with bread and turkey mortadella!)


i love pickled eggs as a snackā€¦

i got a jar i bought over a year ago in the kitchen they still good today ā€¦

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Soup is delicious! Could use some knƤckebrƶd (crisp bread?)

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Tucker & Dale vs Evil

Watched it earlier today and that scene where he snacks on pickled eggs got me wanting some once again.

Iā€™ve only tried twice and both were home made. I donā€™t remember the taste sadlyā€¦

Just a side note for fellow fitness/health nuts :slight_smile:
I try to not eat more than 2 egg yolks per day, but egg whites we can go all the way up to 20 if needed!

However, during special occasion, clown loves a nice seafood/egg sandwich :slight_smile:

there was a burger joint i used to frequent growing up ā€¦

they always had a jar of pickled eggs on the counter with a sign saying ā€œfree to eat if you dareā€

i was the only person who used to snack on them every time i went in.

If itā€™s free, I eat. Clown has that as a rule

Do you remember the taste?
Google suggests about 500 different types of spice combinationsā€¦

i dont really remember just very very strong vinegar lol because i think they were pretty old lolā€¦

EDIT: my mum used to legitimately pour herself a glass of vinegar and drink it like water.

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Some dip their ā€œsnacksā€ in vinegar and also pickle juice.

I donā€™t judge. Willing try almost anything if I happen to be served that at a movie night or so :smiley:

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oddly my mum in her last daysā€¦ drank a lot of milkā€¦ it was all she ever drank ā€¦

it made me wonder if there was a reason for thatā€¦ something the body was lacking which milk providedā€¦

it just seemā€™d like a really strange thing to crave ā€¦ milkā€¦

the last few weeks i was literally buying 8 pints a day of milk ā€¦ because she was downing it so much

i find that interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

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Bless your mom.

I try to avoid milk these days. Even in my early days with protein shakes, stuck to water as much as possible.

Like cats, they love the milk, even if most of them are lactose intolerant haha

To each their own!

Been dabbling a little in almond/oat milk. A bit too fatty for my taste, but not bad

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