Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

Seems weā€™re on our own once again Clown.

Bread stuffed with meat and broccoli

Kinda like pirogi huh?
-Yes clown alter ego, that is correct!

Oh, we remember when mom made those for the neighbourhood kids!
-Yes, it was good times indeed :slight_smile:

Ok thatā€™s weird. I checked muted threads if it wasnā€™t an accident but nope. Itā€™s not pinned for mešŸ¤Ø Doesnā€™t matter though.

But wait, you said you never had a ban (were silenced), youā€™re confusing me :smile:

It needs to be done at the right speed to count as read.

My goodness, quoting on a cell phone is so sucky. It always takes me a milllion years to edit the post :smile:

It was a simple 1 day silence for accidentally saying the S word, not the :poop: one, but the other.

Didnā€™t know it was forbidden. :sweat_smile:

But letā€™s not count it, as it was used in a transmog contestā€¦ you know, revealing mogs.

I too use my phone and no problems here - maybe just got used to it over 1.5 years :smiling_face_with_tear:

I think the 6-month grace period did not apply in your case, my second silence was way longer than that :smile:

I also had no idea what was allowed and tbh I was surprised by both silences.

Maybe, I use a bunch of devices to post on and iphone is the worst at it if I compare them :smile: Itā€™s mainly if I need to include a lot of various quotes though.

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iā€™am always unsubbedā€¦

i cancel as soon as i buy time.

Haha, I actually usually do that too.

yeah i learned my lesson ā€¦

i once didnt play for the entirety of MoP ā€¦ but forgot i had a renewing Sub planā€¦ so paid for the whole time period without playing.

hey at least now i get forum use :slight_smile:

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Alagondarā€™s choice tonight - meat feast pizza eith some decent beer


When thereā€™s so much meat that you canā€™t even tell if itā€™s a pizza - proper meat pizza!


It can be actually better than the game itself at times :smiling_face_with_tear:

Truth be told, Twilly only subs for this place.

i come here mainly to converse ā€¦

even if it is just people throwing abuse at me lol

it is better than the alternative ā€¦ sitting here alone every day. :stuck_out_tongue:

keeps my mind ticking over and stops it going into decline.

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But tbh I always liked forums, I often frequented some forum throughout my life. Other social media like reddit made classic forums more obscure these days though.

see i donā€™t usually botherā€¦

if i had anyone irl to converse with instead i would not even be here.

Itā€™s maybe the only really social part of the game. When I have a bit of downtime, I hop in here to have a good chat or to leave some food here.

Alas, most of the corn in my country has burned out in the heat. Most make popcorn out of it but I actually loooove this:

I could kill for such a cob! :corn:

there is a field about 5 mins from mine growing corn right nowā€¦ i may sneak in a steal someā€¦

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I canā€™t stop thinking about this beautiful masterpiece.

Have had it open in a tab and looked at it several times.

Iā€™m putting that pic on my dating app. ā€œThis is what Iā€™m searching forā€ :clown_face:


what is the pale uncooked meat?

For me it does not change anything :smile: Iā€™m sometimes simultanously replying to someone irl and online. Itā€™s a different form of the same, I like talking to lots of people, esp. from various and even more exotic countries.

Yeah, this and Discordā€™s voice chat and dms for me. (Thatā€™s not literally a part of the game though :stuck_out_tongue:)

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one thing we do differ in then :slight_smile:

IRL i only talk to people i know well , i mean fully converse with.

i dont just go waking up to strangers and start talkingā€¦


takes a lot for me to talk openly irl with no limitsā€¦

(unlike on the forums)ā€¦

i recently upset someone i was talking to ā€¦ they came up to me and said stop talking to meā€¦

its been 3 weeks now i have not said a single word to them ā€¦ they look very confused when i see them like they did not expect me to take them literally. lol

i find not talking to people very easy.

EDIT: youā€™d never find me in a discord voice chat willingly .