Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

I think it was all your positive comments about how great Wow is and how awesome the Blizzard marketing is!


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Haha… i remember carrying my old monitor like that around my uncles to play Final Doom deathmatch during a lan party…

having to stop every 20 mins to clean out the dirt from the carpet out of my ball mouse…

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damn straight!

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why was there always no matter what…

there was always a lava lamp in those photos.


One of our lan buddies lived very close to a pizza shop
They sold pizzas from 3-4€ (29-39kr) Crazy cheap

I always brought one of these bad boys:

…Until the rich kid one-upped me and brought a double one! Damn you, Krille!


oh mate the ultimate was the static electric ball … you bring one of them … you were the god of the party.

EDIT: the guy rocking the all black setup … mad respect.

you know out of all of them … the guy with the all black … is the guy still gaming today,

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We didn’t just put our hands on those balls.

Our Lans were not very normal.


what happens in a 1990’s lan party stays in the 1990’s lan party clown.


I’m still upset that luch price for a pizza with soda at my “local” place was 60kr back then and now it’s 120kr :smiling_face_with_tear:
Wans’t much take away though since we lived out in the boonies, the day before the lan there was always one designated provisioner that got into town and bought a buttload of those 10 pack Gorbys and Billy’s bags.

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It gets more expensive the more north you live.
It’s a trade off. The more you get in middle/south…the more you get. :clown_face:

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i used to give my mum a shopping list…

i was too busy setting up the gaming room to worry about the snack situation …

ah easier times…

always putting my monitor in the position with least screen glare… for advantage…


One summer we did a lot of lan at a friend’s house, he was Albanian or Kosovo-Albanian, and his parents forbid us to buy fast food.
They kept us fed with home cooked awesomeness.

Homecooked > Bought.

I once tried to explain how calories work to his parents cuz of my newly found love of the weight lifting.
After a few slaps I gave up and just ate the food :smiley:

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oh man… homecooked albanian dishes??

that is a win!

EDIT: the most i ever ate… was at my brothers engagement party… my brother fiancee’s dad was a top chef in london at the time… and he refused to let me rest until i sampled absolutely everything he cooked… (spanish gentleman) the food was lovely all of it…

but it was the reason i started putting on weight to begin with … i never ate the same again after that night.

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Spanish food? Food is love mate, but we gotta be careful!

Goes double that when dating a spicy girl.

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i’d finish a entire plate and he’d bring another full plate out again straight away saying

“you need to eat you’re far to skinny”

i tried to escape to the local pub with one of the female guests… but he tracked me down and dragged me back into the kitchen to sample his multiple different steaks he cooked lol …

was a great night all n all ^^

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At least your brother “the rooster block” gave you food.

All my “rooster blocks” never fed me!

Rooster is British code for… kebab.

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But better!
Gotta hit that sweet spot of perfect Swedz ‘eatin’! ^^

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my brother apologized to me… said he was trying to find me during the party but i had been kidnapped lol…

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I can see Öland with binoculars. I win? I WIN!!!

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