Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

Iā€™m a balkan mix living in Sweden that lacks any form of filter what so ever.

I will now create a char on AD and try again.

One of these days, their defence will fail and I will ENTER. :clown_face:


Yes! Come to Alliance!!

Alliance? Canā€™t I create both a Gnome and an Orc?

You can finally unlock Kul Tirans

Do I have to install retail for that? I quite like my 1tb ssd this empty :smiley:

Make a Gmorc!

Gmorcs can be made in Classic too. Since both races exist in both versions :yum:


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Argent Dawn update: I didnā€™t last long on AD.
Got silenced within the hour.

Do I smell too much clown or something?


Why i tbink everyone loves pizzaā€¦


Tonightā€™s supper will be some Potato Pasta! Simple, yet filling meal.

Oh, and there will be a bit of cucumber salad to go with it. :drooling_face:


solid Magyar boi :wink:

Send me some ty


This will be a giant serving so definitely!

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Maybe too personal, but how are the Suomalaisen treating you? :sunglasses:

They were treating me nicely so far, but will see how it is in September Syyskuu!

Thatā€™s when Iā€™ll begin working there.

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Just donā€™t forget where youā€™re coming from.

And teach them how to use garlic and paprika powder!


Thatā€™s fairly simple, paprika spray just goes between the eyes :smiling_face_with_tear:

Garlic in oneā€™s neck to protect from vampires except Punyelf because she looks awesome.

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Visit ikea in Finland, eat one meatball and then complain to them. They will learn eventually.

Puny is a solid lady. Always brings her tmog A game


Well, the cooking materials arenā€™t the same up there :smiling_face_with_tear: because of the cold.

Not just her. Saw decent mogs from Visna, Alysea, Daestra, Coldshade and Nimrhys. All of them are pretty.

Soul too has style but heā€™s more about the hair. :woman_red_haired:

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Stop acting my little bro (not an insult, but I remember your beach pics ^^)

If I remember correctly, you live close to Pietarsaari, not THAT cold there!

Anyways, you have Scanburger, Hesburger and Koti Pizza. So you and me will begin a export/import service. Profit for days

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Who said Iā€™d act? :yum:

It better be a nice heap of gold weā€™d make!

PS: Potato pasta and cucumber salad is done for my favorite Balkan/Magyar clown! :clown_face:

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Ty again for the compliment, but still not even 1% Magyar :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LangĆ³s for my bro

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