Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

This is pretty standard here

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Nooooo,I havenā€™t been in game today!!!


I even uninstalled retail game out of dispite!

I didnā€™t feel any love.

Yep, classic is where itā€™s at!

For the collectorā€™s sake I do play retail a lot these days. And to make fine mogs just for the gist of it! :yum:

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Yo barĆ”tja, will you help me in AD? Iā€™m a bit socially awkward.

I will pay 1g.

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Does spamming food pictures count as socially awkward?

If so, weā€™re in the same boat, but all I really do on AD is getting cheap mogs. :yum: Did RP with a person or two but thatā€™s rare. Most chat happens in trade though, so feel free to clown around there!

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Never bloody once have I seen you in trade chat


RP is serious business.

I will adapt and overcome.

And Frozen calzone sucks more than a 500ā‚¬ vacuum cleaner.

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I saw you some days ago, didnt want to come off as a creep so.

Here I am, complaining.

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You should creep! I literally have no friends in game.


i have no friends. In retail

In TBC I have 2

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I donā€™t often spend time in capital cities.

ā€¦but when I do Iā€™m generally busy sniping mogs :sweat_smile:

Made a few friends in classic with my guild - even if they are on holiday because itā€™s the end of xpac as retail.

For retailā€¦ itā€™s one of the ex coworkers (who legit came back because I got him all interested with how the game works, but then didnā€™t much like the practice), my cousin who comes back sometimes to play, and mostly just forumers aside from that.

Tifa, Nag, Uldurin, Schmuse, Caylia, Visna, to name a fewā€¦ all of them was a pleasure to play with. These forums can be a decent place to make frens :smirk:

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For my German flex bro


Which server are on TBC? :relaxed:

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Pick whatever, create a hairy Dwarf named something German/Foodie and I will find you bro :clown_face:


My little Magyar bro, you keep changing your mogs faster than I can comment on them.
But still solid!

Yeah, Soul knows his tmogs thatā€™s for sure.

I miss that red haired Scottish bastardo :upside_down_face:


Iā€™m on pyrewood with my best buddy, leveling my paladin for wotlk :muscle:t2:

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I will duel your best buddy so I become your new best buddy.

Maybe Iā€™m not as hairy, but Iā€™m always juicy and fridge filled withā€¦meat.