Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Oh, I have a few ideas… :eyes:

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Good reading eating :rofl:

I’m all ears :eyes:

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Welcome back!

Hope you brought snacks for us :upside_down_face:

I hope this gets spicy.

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Silence is the perfectest herald of joy: I were but little happy, if I could say how much. Lady, as you are mine, I am yours: I give away myself for. you and dote upon the exchange. :wine_glass:

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ofc :wink:

these are “bomboloni” full of cream


sorry i been on holiday… a lot of it is probably meaningless crap from me …

good news is i go back to work tomorrow so i wont be around so it will slow again.

or just return to constant food spam,

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That’s the definition of the forum when it comes down to it ^^

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i dunno needs to meet a certain quota of meaningless apparently which i never seem to get right…

here’s to learning though :wink:

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Almost Christmas!!! :santa:


We found small pizza restaurant with my colleague at work today at like 2am. Felt bad eating pizza this late/early, but it cost like 2 euro so would be a sin not to buy it. :rofl:

Would post a picture, but my forum level or whatever is not high enough I think.


Best time of the year for food!!0/hn3xdvbqidgb8qoss2niuz8x6ycakhw.jpeg
And about time to start dieting for it, gotta make room! ^^


You can upload it to e.g. Imgur, paste the link into the post, select it and use the </> from the menu. Someone with TL3 can repost it then if you want to (sometimes they’ll do it without asking, which irks me ^^)

Or if you don’t want to make an account on imgur. And it’s mobile friendly! =P

Every time you post an image you become a lil’ more powerful so you take every chance you get.
I’m on trust level 2327!

You don’t need an account. At least not on pc, didn’t try that mobile app.

Foh realz! Actually a good change!
The app is horrendous! Doing it on mobile web browser is doable. Just gotta make sure it’s desktop mode and .com, not .io

Can’t wait to hear all that “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart” again!

Or the sound the oven makes when all the cookies are done.

Definitely the latter.

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uuuuuhhhh christmas songs!

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my buddie from work is the special kind…

they have been singing christmas songs since january 2022


but yeah…

Bah Humbug…

Christmas 2020 i spent it in hospital

Christmas 2021 i spent it working a 16 hour shift…

christmas 2022 will prob spend alone.

MERRY xmas all lol :heart: