Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

You spelled Fairytale of New York wrong, my friend - that is the best Xmas song of all time…

Naaah, Killing in the Name Of has got my vote.

But honestly, this too is just as much as an Xmas banger:


And since we’re talking holidays, here’s a fitting dish :drooling_face:

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pulled my abs the day before i return to work lol typical :stuck_out_tongue:

i was one day from retirement!

guess it is my own fault… i took no rest days on my holiday and kept increasing weights

i did GAIN 5KG over 12 days though :muscle:

now a SOLID 80kg rather than a soft 80kg

this is freaking painful with pulled abs :stuck_out_tongue:

thinking about changing things up a bit and investing in some body art…

so far i am a clean canvas … i want to express myself through tattoos

now im at a point fitness wise where im happy i think i could pull it off pretty well.

now im goin to hear again DIRT after some year. thank dunkiee!

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Someone mentioned talking mushrooms.

My first thought went to Toad

My second and final thought went via my belly to:


You’re welcome :clown_face:

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You’re damn innocent if that’s what you think of when someone mentions shrooms ^^

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It doesn’t contain the best type of mushroom, granted! :rofl:

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I’d play a few rounds so much… one of my cousins’ frens have a set of VR with this game and a couple Linkin Park songs unlocked. It was the reason I grew to love Given Up…

Could finish most songs on Normal from the pack, but… no luck getting perfect clears, like hitting every note correctly. :cry:

I think i finally give up.

Do we still do food here?

if so, I nominate this to end the debate forever on the best item of food ever conceived.



You have my seal of approval


Getting colder outside. Doesn’t mean the BBQ has to stop!

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colder? here we have 31°

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Grilled corn. This man knows what’s best!

We had some boiled corn 2 days ago btw - a shame I was so hungry I even forgot to take a picture. :cry:

Have this instead, it’s fairly accurate nonetheless:

This has my approval.

Mainly because of the size. :drooling_face:

22 degrees currently, well namely… but there shouldn’t be any heatwaves this year from here on.

And we had some nice rain late in the night too! Ah… the smell of rainy soil. Perfect for a walk!!

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What happened?

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What’s going on, GYM stuff? :frowning_with_open_mouth:

And since it’s on topic I’ll leave something healthy here:

Clown can just add some bacon to his share. :clown_face: