Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Lets call it a hunch :smirk:

She Shoots, She Scores !

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So you’re telling me to watch it, got it! :smile:

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But they make fantastic pets - trust me, i used to have tarantulas and various snakes as pets (including the ones you need a license for). My old job required me to have a Dangerous Wild Animal licence

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In dreams, I hope
Because both of them are really cool
Not to mention, amazing pets
:snake: :spider: :lizard:

Ah, yeah. I checked and the unit I meant was in 6. It was called a Breeder :smiley:

I used to play Heroes 3 a lot and Inferno was my favorite faction even though it was
kinda weak.

hey guys, can you gimme ideas for a frost DK? i really wanna make 1 but idk what race to pick :no_mouth:

For the mount or serious play?
If the later, then either Draenei (Gift of the Naaru) or Worgen (extra speed and stuff)

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I’m lame and I’d go human.

Main reason is that all gear looks and fits well on their models.

nah, i have a challenge for myself. 36 specs to level at max. :slight_smile:

fair, thought i think a unholy one i will make for hooman.


What about dwarf then?

With their racial area being Dun Morogh, wouldnt Frost suit 'em?

i like, the way you thinK!
so: Dwarf for frost. but now: a destruction warlock idea?


You guys remind me of my old high school classmate who was very fond of big spiders and brought one to school once.

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Gnome or Goblin.

other ideas?


they’r cast animations look goofy XD

For classic? Orc
If retail, either Blood Elf or Vulpera

See? We are not alone

So does mechagnomes in general, yet here we are.


mhh, this is ok.