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Does the not so big bad wolf love these? :eyes:


Those big meatballs are looking hot :eyes:

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Um, why


It may be possible

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Marnin hoomans!

Or more like noon, which calls for a lunch dish:

Morning, Dunkiee. My upstairs neighbor woke me up with some guitar playing today ^^

And I had a very weird dream with Brangelina in it and it made me go what the heck and laugh!

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Whoā€™s Brangelina? :no_mouth:

Thatā€™s what they called Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie when they were together.

It was nothing nsfw no worries, but it was absolutely ridiculous I think they were like adopting me (!!! :rofl:), but Iā€™m not 100% sure about the reason of their visist, that part is blurry now. We sat at a table by a lake where my house was situated. Angelina was looking at me so warmly and Brad was talking to me about Guatemala (was he ever to Guatemala? :joy:) and I told him something about air pollution in Shanghai in response. Thatā€™s all I remember and Iā€™m pretty sure it was a long dream with everything in it that was mostly without them, but I really tried to remember this part when I opened my eyes.

I mean, wouldnā€™t that make you go what the flip? :joy: I still canā€™t.

Many dreams are this hilarious! :rofl: Lemme think back to a story of my ownā€¦ or twoā€¦

Soooooo, back in the day I used to play Heroes V a lot, like all day every day, and I dreamt to have had an affair with a succubus (the only Inferno shooter - the fiery version looked real hot, ngl :fire: ). When Iā€™d tell about it to my roommates, they were pesting me for weeks with it :joy::joy: ā€œSo how about laying a succubus tonight?ā€

But had a better NSFW dreamā€¦ had a couple very beautiful female classmates, and I dreamt there was a conference in a swimming pool, everyone was dressed in swimming suits - I was supposed to infiltrate it with one of the girls, as spies.

Hereā€™s the catch, she hopped in the waterā€¦ without anything on. I was likeā€¦ what the eck? Anyways, the meeting finished, everyone went off except for us - then we had aā€¦ very good time. There was more than water in that pool I tell you! :yum:

Oh boy, those were the daysā€¦ :heart_eyes:

My dreams of getting Nightborne druid and Worgen paladin and shaman

and then a dream about a cat race saberon as an allied race

and then Vrykul and many others

Godā€™s honest truth, I often dream about eating donuts, pizza, burgers and other tasty stuff.

When I wake up and itā€™s not yet Friday, I know itā€™s just my inner clown trolling and testing us.
I usually stay strong!

But sometimesā€¦ the hunger takes over

Wolfy knows what Iā€™m talking about!


I am NOT sharing any nsfw dreams or anything here, that would not fly well ^^

Meet me in Goldshire after dark :wink:

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such a ruined dream i had

  • Got 10 million golds by a player for completing KSM during the worst expansion (higher Skill)

when i woke up, then in game there isnĀ“t the following dreams

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This lilā€™ space goat girl now watching you! :eyes:
Wolf in bovine skinā€¦ :unamused:
I should know it is just a trick, bulls dont have moose antlers!

Who are you and what have you done with our Zuuma!?

I knew itā€¦ welcome back :two_hearts:

Anyhow, I dinged the 290 Ilvlā€¦ wich is actually a VERY big thingsā€¦ bigger than Dunkieeā€™s meatballs for me!
Usually just fun around in LFR, but that stupid jello cat and my defiance and stubbornness (I WILL have it just to give a midle finger for Blizzard dirty last minute change) landed me in Normalā€¦ then one thing led to another and before I knew it, I was dipping my hooves in Heroicsā€¦
Still a casual thoā€™ :eyes:


I lolā€™d irl!

Future Mythic raider inc!


Didnt Inferno also have that weird blob that shooted small winged blobs? Or was that another Heroes :thinking:

I dreamt today that I was trying to throw my neighbor out of our house and when I touched her I had bedbugs/lice/flees (not sure which it was) crawling all over my armsā€¦ :face_vomiting:

Oh gawd :confounded: Thankfully, I think Iā€™ve never had any bugs in my dreams or rather nightmares, but spiders and snakes are the worst.

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How do you know my size?..

An illusion, what are you hiding?

Prepare to see the evil Dunkieeā€¦ :smiling_imp:

I think it was 6. In 5, only Succubi can shoot, which is why Inferno (and because of the high ATK) loves to go the warmachines route. (Deleb comes to mind. She used to be forbidden on some multiplayer servers, facts!)

Then you donā€™t want to listen to this ASMR viddie, ever!