Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

then you are not a good fren ā€¦ frenā€¦

by doing stuff like that it shows you have characteristics to stab people you care about in the back to get aheadā€¦

would u want people like that around you?

Not that I recall but yes, I always flag indiscriminately when someone breaks the rules!

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Actually, itā€™s not backstabbing - as I am 100% open with my friends. I donā€™t believe in blind loyalty. Good friends take care of their friends, but also tell 'em off when they go too far.

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and im well aware that you do ^^

im more like ā€œscrew the rulesā€ personallyā€¦ i guess thats why iā€™ve has more collective vacations than anyone in this thread. :wink:

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Nice beef.

you can tell them off fine without having to adhere to forum guide linesā€¦

I can be that way tooā€¦ I got banned for a week on my old account for calling someone a C-word. And I have 0 regret for doing that.

10/10, would again. Never reported you personally though.

I can. Doesnā€™t mean I will, and it also highly depend on what it is about.

I was protecting a fellow forumer from direct impact basically. Iā€™d do the same for anyone else here, incl. you, if anyone was talking to them like that and I notice it, regardless of who I like or not and vice versa. I am sorry though if it hurt you I was vocal about it, I underestimated that.

Dunno what this thing was about - but yeah, if it can trigger someone that might be depressed or w/e, thatā€™s 100% cause to report.

i was highly sarcastic in those comments i made involving that personā€¦

but sarcasm is not a form of humour which all people are blessed to understandā€¦

i was even typing like i was part of a pantomime

Sarcasm can go too far as well - and some jokes are not tolerated.

And just so you know - I got nothing against you. I wrote to you on my old account, as Havi i think.

people need to lighten up if u ask me ā€¦

but oooo the rullles lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Agreed. I swear left and right, make dark jokes as hellā€¦ but I must behave on forums.

i am dark as they comeā€¦ in humourā€¦

maybe thatā€™s my downfall.

Maybe youā€™ll make one so dark, you create a black hole that swallows you up.

i would enjoy that experience i wonder where i would end up ā€¦ another dimensions?

and alternate timeline ??

cut up into trillions of pieces??

squished by pressureā€¦

iā€™ve always wondered.

Youā€™ll enter a real life forum - and if you missbehave, people will scream at you with real voices And you can never get out!

oh manā€¦

new movie idea

ā€œthe forumā€ā€¦

a jail but only communitcation is through a social app pc called the forum ā€¦

if you misbehave you get subject to ā€œthe gamesā€ where you either live or die to continue on the forumā€¦

Starring: Adam Sandler and David Spade.

only if adam sandler plays a girl ā€¦ and david spade plays a egg plant.