Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

when she’ll back?

Anyway im thinkin to unsub as long ill finish my old rep\harvest. The only reason im actually still ingame is i have too much fun in forum atm.


Me too. Forum is too fun.

I only farm/play on TBC a few hours a week.

You should do what Ixyion did. Follow the bbq sausages to pyrewood tbc :clown_face:

Soul is a dude. Not to out him like that, but I think most know!

Its true! I have the memory of tinybell.

ill try this wike. unfortunately my classic chars are stalled at 20.


Thanks my giant Clown, but the former mog was on for more than a week :laughing:

No idea, maybe 2 months? Even then, he was quite pissed and atm doesn’t wanna come back. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

No better time for it with the XP buff, mind you, my realm is packed with ally levelers so I fight tooth and nail for quest mobs. :laughing:


I created a new hairy Dwarf on AD (Retail)

Let me have my fun, don’t report him. Thanks in advance.

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Experienced the same!
But with the level boost it’s so chill :relaxed:

We are at the moment in westfall, killing everything in sight.

So many people leveling atm, it’s nice!

My friend, you created an ALLIANCE on pyrewood tbc?

The disrespect is real

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You can never have enough ppl in Westfall…

looks at defias pillagers

Not sure if it’s a pvp server or not, but if so… the hordies will punish the decision in your stead, I’m sure. :yum:

But prolly won’t include so many sausages.

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It’s PVE, but I will punish my tinier yet taller German brother.

There will be some sausage BBQ at the beach when we are done wrestling

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Remember… food too can kill! Use it smortly :yum:

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May cat’s fart are deadlier than a 1200 calorie burger


Sorry :smiley:
The PvP servers are either way so unbalanced as hell… So we go bgs.

We are a Deus vult duo, paladin and priest.


I have no friends in retail and in classic. I’m so lonely. Who cares.


I will find you. And it’s gonna hurt at first, but in time, you will enjoy it.

My Dwarf on AD cares. He will be your new friend



No need to be scared, but I am new to RP realms. So promise me you’ll be gentle


I also have dwarf on ad, level 50.

I’m process of getting the heritage set.

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He’s the smallest clown yet, and you’re a giant Kultiran, no need to be afraid!

Show him what for! With a nice serving of kebab for instance :drooling_face:


oooof. the burn!

Now we will have to wrestle next time I visit Vaasa