Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

I’ll leave here a dinner for the mods just in case :eyes:

Bon ap!


Ran an early morning run, killed the fated WB on every alt
0 Fated loot :sob:
I need some yumm yumms to drown my sorrow

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Got so happy thinking that we have another jogger in the thread!

But then I read the rest

… but clown shares food and goodies without any discrimination

Donuts filled with custard and custard/jam


Sorry to dissapoint you, but I only ran when I’m being chased
AND my chaser have a gun :roll_eyes:
I prefer vanilla filled doughnuts… but this will do :heart:


mmm instead tomato im using milk.
Probably my favourite indian dish after pakora. ok time to go to the nepali restaurant near my home.
And its just 8.00 am…

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Good morning, peeps

How many do you have?

Got to disappoint you too. I’m not a fan of long runs. I like working out though.

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a lot i never post food pictures. too much…


To be fair, while I enjoy the cardio I mostly do it so that I can eat more.
I try to run 2-3 times a week. The duration of the runs depend on my weekend plans.
As in, I run longer if I want to eat more on Fri-Sat
Clown master plan :grin:

I’ve never had cannoli, or I just don’t remember. So sad
Thanks, I will put it on my list

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Too many to admit
But I lowered them to a managable “active” six alts and a main (well, main alt, anyway) ^^

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Beefy! You need to repair that vulnus! If wouldnt better tast’em fresh (ricotta goes bad in 3 days max) i would send you some.
I have 2 shops which sell them at 100m from my house (no isnt normal but my zone is filled of this kind of shops) and everytime i pass in fron of them i have to be blind to avoid to buy one (and other delicious products like sfogliatella)

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That’s kind of you! But Clown can make at home.

I found this easy recipe*


mmm i never imagine how this taste…

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And here I am surprised again :joy:

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i would like to know WHERE he find this kind of images.

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The Bacon search engine.

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but is just reserved to few righteous and dedicated members

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I’m here for a good time, not a long time :grin:
(of course, everyone taste is different)
:hamburger: :pizza:
:fries: :cup_with_straw:

Ye sorry, not a runner either. Bad knee’s.
Do biking instead.

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