Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

Yep, go faster higher! :grimacing:

Preferably with felweed in hand. :herb:

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This isnā€™t even my final form !!!
But no
But to quote a wise sage?


If Zymara has even less clothes than Kitiaara, I donā€™t wanna see your final form šŸ«£

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Liar :stuck_out_tongue:

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Luvv me sum hiking and camping! My kneeā€™s donā€™t but screw em!

always hiking!


The nature reserve near me - its got a choice of a 2, 5 or 8 mile walk, i love hoing there


Dunkiee demands a proper treato! Now!! :drooling_face:
Uhā€¦ can I get a reward snack for getting this hard season done? :point_right: :point_left:

Here you go

It can be enhanced with some felweed :wink:


Brownie? Excellent.

Brownie with felweed? Perfection :herb:

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Do not threat clown ā€¦ i jog enough to make up for everyone here who does not. 5000 miles and counting.

i also hike and bikeā€¦

Jog 5 miles a day
walk 60+ miles a week
bike 3 miles every so often.

my knees are not great either but there is ways around that if u want to.

most of my walking is done to and from work and at work. it is probably over 60 miles but i havent really ever counted it completelyā€¦ i know i walk 25 miles a day while at work.

when im on holidays away from work ā€¦ i do a 8 mile walk most eveningsā€¦ sometimes i run it depending on my mood

cardio makes all the difference in all aspects of fitness.

you can be the strongest person in the world but if u run out of breath in 1 min you wont get very farā€¦

i walk roughly 40000 - 50000 steps on a work day ā€¦ the average recommended is something like 15000

EDIT: while on this topic ā€¦ i was having a interesting convosation with a work friend last week ā€¦ he was impressed about how easily i could transfer the dough from bowl to bowl by hand said ā€œitā€™s insane how easy i made it lookā€ when people twice my size struggledā€¦

it got me thinking why that might be.

iā€™m not anything special or amazing to look at ā€¦ i am around 6ft 1" tall ā€¦ slim build and i weigh 75 kilosā€¦

but what splits me apart from people twice my size and who should be twice my strength ā€¦ is thisā€¦

my Fat to muscle ratio ā€¦ i have higher muscle % than even people twice my size even though i weight only 75kilos i am pretty solid. you can literally punch me in the stomach and hit a brick wall.

the average person in the modern world is higher fat percentage than muscleā€¦

this is why i did not struggle and people twice my size did.

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Do share some tips. I must have an issue with lateral collateral ligament or sth.

iā€™m no doctorā€¦ but i know what worked for me ā€¦ and it was strapping them up in high quality supports ā€¦ and slowly also building them up over time.

smaller weightsā€¦ more daysā€¦

not smaller weights longer duration.

my knees used to be really bad running on roadsā€¦

but now after working on them i hardly get any problems.

another alternative ā€¦ is buying a treadmill with good suspension ā€¦ even when my knees were bad on roadsā€¦ my treadmill would never cause any problemsā€¦

EDIT: You might even find swimming to be a better option if your knees are that bad.



Itā€™s not too bad, itā€™s more of an annoyment atm as itā€™s something I keep noticing during workouts, also used to feel it driving a car but that has gone away. I mainly donā€™t want it to progress, I need to do more targeted but lower load exercises for it like youā€™ve mentioned. I maybe suffered an injury to it in the past, itā€™s been a couple of years now that I keep noticing somethingā€™s not quite right there. Maybe it healed badly or sth.

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what caused mineā€¦ was i jumped into bed once years ago ā€¦ and i landed on a broken spring which hit my knee in exactly the wrong placeā€¦

since then i get occasional stabbing pains when i over use it ā€¦

but if i strap it up usually i have no problems at all and the problem normally stops in a day or two ā€¦

for about 3 months after i landed on that spring i could not even lay on my right side in bed the knee pain was that intense lol.

why i still get problems with it now ā€¦ me being impatient at the time, i kept jogging on a near daily basis even in great pain ā€¦ which hindered the healing process.

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Yeah for me it was an injury from overuse after a period of not doing much. It was just one day but I couldnā€™t even step on in for a month but I suck at going to the doc so I just waited it out and it got better, but overuse triggers it slightly again. I should definitely try strapping it because I donā€™t want it to cause muscle imbalance either due to me being more careful with the right knee.

I also bought some collagen supplements just in case itā€™s my joints aging too ^^ It shouldnā€™t have anything to do with it though.