Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Oh god…just no! Away with your nasty thoughts!

I am uneducated.

Impressive. Trust in humanity restored.

Cheers but honestly irl, I wouldn’t even let my worst enemy lick that powdered cheese stuff.

My limit is cheddar melt slices, those are usually ok now and then.

But real cheddar and any other cheese… especially expensive blue cheese… those tiny things they sell for 12€ per 100gr :stuck_out_tongue: or something

with sweet light crackers and somewhat cheap red wine… oh yes.


ricotta ice cream with chocolate chips.


Stappphh!! :nauseated_face:

Could always have some of this…

Seriously?! What is this? The day of nasty foods??

I usually repost non TL3 forumer’s pics. But not this time.

How dare you

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I am tl3 though - couldn’t be bothered to put it through Imgur :grin::smile:

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what is? somethin like spam?

I ran out of likes. But my friend, you just don’t care do you?

You are british no? Lots of middle eastern/Indian and even UK food you could’ve posted, but no. You went with Frizzle’s nuclear weapon aka Surströmming.

Dirty dirty Alagondar

Clown has met only one irl that actually liked surstrĂśmming (fermented/rotten fish) and he has since passed away.
I want to say he passed away naturally but who knows. Ever smelled surstrĂśmming?


googled. we have somethin similar but the fermentation brings a sort of garnishment.
its like this

and its considered one of the best thing you can taste - its somethin that ancient romans did it to preserve fish and it was called garum

Rotten fish basically. Or fermented if you want to sound classy.
It’s an…acquired taste ^^

i need to come in sweden to try this.

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I love all cultures and the people. Especially the food!

But /HARD PASS on fermented fish.

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Clown has no more likes and he is too drunk to change char atm

It’s gonna be a nice Friday


Smell can be quite overwhelming if you don’t take precautions such as eating outside and open the can in water.
Also gotta have proper sides and not eat it like the youtube memesters.

Not too shabby… Also snaps! ^^

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Tell me this my half Swedish bro -even-if-you-live-far-north-and-I-am-half-balkan

Why eat that fermented/rotten crap when you can eat just as tasty/tastier fish that don’t smell that bad?

Do you hate your neighbours? I sometimes do too actually.

I will order some of Oskar’s finest :clown_face: