Aww you know what you need? You need a Soulie hug. Hughughug??!!!
Cheap fake kaviar
There are things thats shouldn’t exist
a Soulie hug
All is forgiven!
My master approves of this line.
Come forth… and be drowned.
Tentacles and scallies!
Goatie approve!
I need a ‘the tentacles she told you not to worry about’ meme
Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, N’Zoth?
There are things thats shouldn’t exist
Yes. Like space goats. But we have learned to accept your kind. Kinda
heathen! Probbaly you never eaten a good one. Bad, soul, bad!
Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, N’Zoth?
Yes, my chosen. You have proven worthy of my gift.
Please, we are basically the same
I will send you some tubes for free. Np
I don’t have problem with the tubes, you see, my concern was the “cheap” and “fake” part of the cheap fake caviar
Caviar should be a luxury!
And real
We have to keep up our standards and traditions
Probbaly you never eaten a good one.
It is easy to ruin a lasagne
It is easy to ruin a lasagne
I am the best lasagna maker in my kitchen. Probably not rank 1 outside of that perimeter.
This is the best lasagna
It’s perfect (because it looks disgusting )
There are many Dragon Gods… But only one who fears the Light.
Is it him by any chance, I wonder…
It’s perfect (because it looks disgusting )
The best things in life are censored .” — Woody Allen
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
Puul za uhnish!
Know my hunger.
I read an H.P. Lovecraft book in French once.
I did not understand much ^^
We like that one very much.
Whatever it is, I bet they(it?) got some solid disco moves.
And by disco moves I of course mean more like get locked in their basement where she saves you for a later snack.
Oh my!
I’ve become an “Exhibit A” in the “Is everyone soft these days>” thread!
What an honor!
tbf u did ignore me with little reason… so it speaks for itself