Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Cheap fake caviar on tube

Ah…Sweden. What a place.


Aww you know what you need? You need a Soulie hug. Hughughug??!!!

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There are things thats shouldn’t exist :unamused:

All is forgiven!

Tentacles and scallies!
Goatie approve!

I need a ‘the tentacles she told you not to worry about’ meme


Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, N’Zoth?


Yes. Like space goats. But we have learned to accept your kind. Kinda

I will send you some tubes for free. Np

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heathen! Probbaly you never eaten a good one. Bad, soul, bad!

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Yes, my chosen. You have proven worthy of my gift.

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Please, we are basically the same

I don’t have problem with the tubes, you see, my concern was the “cheap” and “fake” part of the cheap fake caviar
Caviar should be a luxury!
And real
We have to keep up our standards and traditions
:wine_glass: :face_with_monocle:

Probably :thinking:
It is easy to ruin a lasagne

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I am the best lasagna maker in my kitchen. Probably not rank 1 outside of that perimeter.

This is the best lasagna

It’s perfect (because it looks disgusting :clown_face:)

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i know just one god with tentacles

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn


There are many Dragon Gods… But only one who fears the Light.

Is it him by any chance, I wonder…

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The best things in life are censored .” — Woody Allen

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Puul za uhnish!

Know my hunger.

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That is one delicious looking Pepe!


I read an H.P. Lovecraft book in French once.

I did not understand much ^^

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We like that one very much.

Whatever it is, I bet they(it?) got some solid disco moves.
And by disco moves I of course mean more like get locked in their basement where she saves you for a later snack.

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tbf u did ignore me with little reason… so it speaks for itself

I would love to go clubbing with Batman. The dark comic version.

Loosen him up a little and converting his fighting moves into dance moves.

Just imagine the possibilities!

(they silenced clown in wow. Short duration I will survive, and also come back even more annoying. I promise.)

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