Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

What did you do? :eyes:

Why, you looking for ideas for your naughtiness?

It was in retail very sensitive over there :frowning:

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Oh, thank you, I’m naughty enough without help
Okay, Tifa could help
And Tèsla
Maybe Dunkiee if she is sober enough… or high enough, depending of our mood :thinking:
I was just curious

There is a topic two blocks away talking about this, tho’ for the wrong reason (still thinks Trade chanel should be used for Trade, not as a chat room… that would be the General, me thinks :person_shrugging: ) but I do agree, sensitivity is skyhigh nowdays
On the other hand, we really should consider our words a bit more carefully…

A fly that dances carelessly in front of a spider’s web, risks the wrath of the spider’s teeth . (African Proverb)

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pot kettle black

You are wrong friend, but no one is perfect! :clown_face:

Pizza battles are quite common with certain friends…if you like share an extra large pizza (20€) with one other friend that also eats like a PIG! oh…calm down clown-

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Synchronised Pizza Eating should be an olympic number

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2 friends sharing large pizza, usually no problem. If you follow the simple rule of “4 slices for me, 4 slices for you”
Some lack any form of table manners.

However, it’s when you share 1-2 pizzas (16 slices) with 2 other friends.
16 slices. 3 humans. Chaos.

Best way to solve it in the end is to let the cat walk all over the last slices. Then no one will eat the rest.

(clown will.)

i think you probably asked for it mate.

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Naked fistfight and wrestling in the mud and…

Well thats boring

And this is just a lie
Totally would eat it
And you too
Admit it

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Ofc I did :smiley:
I don’t even play retail. I did however never curse or offend, only annoyed them in LFG aaaand later also in trade… woops

it’s the same when i said i had never had hate mail…

people know i dont play the game…

but the next day fake twiggz arrived.

Not a fan of him. I usually enjoy trolls and other clowny chars, but he failed big time
Hope the mods get him sorted soon

I’m willing to bet 1 year of game time that it’s NOT Daes at all.
She never gave me any kind of troll vibes at all.

The rest who knows. Not something I wish to discuss here even a little tbh, I just don’t care
You handle it the way you want to, there’s no right or wrong if you ask me.

Just text on the internet in the end right? :clown_face:


yeah but the people which she hangs with … they are trolls through and through…

not good ones either.

Thursday is Pizza day right?
Hot pizza:

and also…hot pizza:

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yeah i get u dont wanna get involved… but it’s different when ur the target :slight_smile:

it doesnt really matter anyway anything they throw at me just bounces back at them

cause they got nothing on me which will stick as everything i did and said was valid.

Do you like frozen pizza btw? There are some that taste ok. If you’re lazy or whatever.

Me and a friend had a Lotro/Hobbit marathon one weekend at his place.

His plan was to serve frozen pizzas for two days.
Grandiosa? perhaps Dr Otker one.

I ordered 3 pizzas (+ 2 kebab rolls) instead. We shared it all of course!

Double the price! But belly will say “oh great owner of us, thank you so much for this amazing pizza gift!”

heyo all!


yeah i sometimes have froze pizza on my days off… rather than buying in takeaway…

cook it in a air oven and eat.

no hassle … as much as i love food… i rather have free time.

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Good afternoon Robo!

Hope all is well and swell

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