Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

the two best things out of china =




Edit: i love a game of go … im not great at it very beginner level… but up for learning lol.

did actually beat my brother a few times though… but i think he let me win so i wasen’t too put off learning… hes been playing it for years.

there is some cool names to go tactics … one of my favourites is…

“hiding a dagger in your smile”


“the red faced emperor”

which is apparently based on a real game of go which happened in ancient china when a mere peasant played a unknown move and defeated the then emperor in a game of go turning the emperors face red in anger.

thats a big deal back then because ‘Go’ was considered a way to show intelligence and social standing in ancient china…

so you can imagine the commotion when a peasant boy beat a emperor.

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Enjoy club!


There’s always discord :wink:

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We’ll always have Paris :two_hearts:

Been there, its ok apart from the St Denis area - full of thieves, pickpockets,etc - but the Eiffel Tower is good if you can climb all the way to the top…

What in pepe’s name happent here?

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somewhere in paris there is my lost metallica beanie…

my brother borrowed it while on holiday and left it on a carousel…

so if you ever find yourself in paris and stumble upon a metallica beanie … please do return it.

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We are innocent!
Practically saints :innocent:

What do you mean?

Weird times = good times!


I’m actually saddened no one fancies me. I mean what more can I do??!!

puts a salmon under ampit

I feel so loved.


:yawning_face: :coffee::croissant:

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Good morning! (I feel like a boomer that posts jyst "good morning!.. i promise next week ill be more present here).


Its not that bad to be a boomer… :eyes:
Once you got used to it, it is a bit like damnation


i wanna just share with you “carciofi alla giudia”. somethin incredible. if you go in rome you MUST try em

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It looks like fried artichokes… or something very simmilar to that :thinking:
The picture is missing some dipping sauce and wine me thinks :eyes:

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i assure you wine was draught A LOT.
For sauces… nothin. it had to be eaten without it. Its true is a fried artichoke. But no sauce: it will ruin the delicate heart of artichoke.

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Makes sense :thinking:

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‘Halloween Ends’ later? Oh yes!
Hopefully it will be better than the last one.

Have a nice weekend and enjoy the cake!


“Some” wine bottles…you lightweight!

Aww so cute!

“Happy” friday everyone

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