Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Woah man, your very talented, expecially the dragon!


thanks man… i dont like them myself … but thats normal i think lol…

gonna try to improve ^^

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it’s normal to not like your own drawings, i too don’t like many of mine -w-
but that only makes us try to be better!

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not how i remember it but nice interpretation regardless :slight_smile:

Honestly I’ve had a really rough week, first off my little lad was unwell so was up all night with him Sunday night and he had to have two days off school and then my fibro flared up in my back and my left ankle and foot so walking is painful but I still have to school runs which is four miles a day.

Got burgers for tea though, I always look on the positive side of life :smile: gonna rest this weekend, only one week left till half term :partying_face:


Seems like you could use it, hope you’re both doing better now! Enjoooy :slightly_smiling_face:

Excuse me, not everything is about you.


oh but with you it always is bud :wink:

Look whatever happened in the past is the past, I was just homeless for about 45 minutes when I went to the store and it was a most humbling experience, I’m so humble towards everyday things now :peace_symbol:

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RIP Hagrid :frowning:
(Robbie Coltrane)


awwwww man :frowning:


EDIT: he was older than i realised.

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Don’t tell me every decent person dies this autumn :cry:

First the queen of the UK, now this…


i will prob pre order DF tomorrow.
but if anyone’s intrested…
WOTFI 2022 starts tomorrow at 18:00 italian time! (that is same as Server time for some reason o_O)!

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guess i’m safe then eh ? according to this place at least.

Well, here’s my verdict on Halloween’s End (won’t give anything away in case any of you plan to see it).

Pretty.Damn.Good - decent kill count, some twists in it - Michael Myers deffo aint coming back…

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I went in with zero expectations and the movie still disappointed.
But it’s one of those movies I just have to see even if it’s gonna suck.

Overpriced 14€ ticket
Overpriced and oversalted 2 month old chewy movie popcorn.
And I had to sit alone next to a couple because someone left me hanging.
Going to the movies alone is sad, hilarious and creepy, all at once. :clown_face:

Weird story. Too much drama and too little killing.
But I did like the Kawasaki dirt bike!
Other than that, low calorie weak sauce with no fat.

The ending was bittersweet.



Rest and do absolutely nothing! Totally beat because we have a covid outbreak at work… was so glad to be finished yesterday!

I will order kebab (or pizza…hmm…) tonight and just play all weekend :rofl:

RIP… Still sad over Snape…I read that he was a brilliant writer and his stories are going to be published sometime soon…he wanted to do this but never got the chance :slightly_frowning_face:

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Morning hoomans :sleeping::coffee:

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