Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

yo all! 9 hours left till WOTFI :bangbang: :partying_face: :tada: :crossed_swords: :fireworks:

We keep losing the HP cast :pensive: I was really upset about Helen McCrory (Narcissa) passing, she was a brilliant and very charming actress. I still remember her performance in Penny Dreadful.

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Kebab pizza?
Here’s a large kebab pizza, in case the club is hungry!



We’ve been over this! Lose the jalapeño!

Calmate! It’s just feferoni. Much milder :sunglasses:

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I am the senate club and I’m incredibly hungry as I haven’t had breakfast yet :triumph: … so careful, beef :point_up:

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Well it doesn’t look sliced, so it’s a one portion pizza.

Take it, quick!

removes jaw

Let’s go!

i’ve never really considered the halloween movies something worth seeing at the cinema personally.

they are something you watch at home when ur bored/drunk

cinema’s over all have gone down hill massively over the past 5 years…

coming from me a person who used to go to the cinema literally every weekend with friends.

you might get a handful of good movies which are worth watching in a year now…

when it used to be 5 every month.

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My respect for you just grew a little

Accept gift


Damn. You really know how to spoil this troll :weary:

I shall accept this but share with the rest of the food club.


i am just sitting here eating pizza and when i am done with pizza it is time for icecream :rofl:

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Clown can have my part.

We’re making some borsos tokány at home which (if I can believe translate) is called pepperpot in English. Some sour cream + bread, and presto. :drooling_face:


Ice cream after pizza. This one is living the good life!


not easy to be paladin :rofl:


2 hours left for wotfi 2022! im so exited!

what is that?

nvm i looked it up ^^

something like this no ?

Nope. It’s from a youtube called SMG4.
It stands for “War of the (big) Italians”

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welp, it’s about to start folks! See ya in 1 hour and 30 mins probably!


oh, it was actually 30 minutes long -_-
anyway… Tonight Lasagna!

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