Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

I get that, it doesn’t look like “Warcraft” but for me it looks cleaner, I’ve been mainly playing beta for about a month now and only popped into live for a little bit and the action bar setup is nicer on the new UI.

I think it looks cleaner having the three stacked on top of each other, it makes a little more room for some of my add-ons, I think it also makes it easier for people to have the extra three action bars without over crowding the screen.

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Hmm will see when it comes out…

We have gryphons? :eyes:

Yes! Left and right of your hotkey bar!


Welcome back Tah :wave:

Does that affect zooming in to read it ?

Or make it difficult to link map pins ?
(I usually have to minimise the map to copy into chat).

Good to know.

I haven’t bought it or had access to try it and see if it encourages me to buy it. :worried:

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Those are gryphons? I thought eagles…
Should be dragons tho"

No, it’s just an annoyance. Its bigger than the current minimap and kind of throws me off a little, a lot of people have given the same feedback about it.

I don’t think you need to pre order to check out the PTR servers to see the new UI and talent trees.

You can also check out some YouTube of game play from beta.

I only really do open world stuff so no dungeons or raids so can only say I am enjoying DF from that point, there is a lot of fun new “mini game” style stuff added, even collecting rep for renown doesn’t feel like a chore, partly because it’s all for cosmetic stuff and the WQs are a mix of fill the bar and the mini games. Even professions feel more fun to level up.

It definitely feels better than SL to me and I’m looking forward to release even though I’ve played through it once already.


Look closely at the front paws :rofl:

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ohhh finally


To be honest, never payed much attention to those things
And I don’t even use an addon, except TRP so… not even altered it
But my eyes are not that good and my attention span is hey a squriel!!!

Oh, I’m not falling to that… again
When a Druid say something like that to you, usually means, she/he wants you to bend over :unamused:
Sooo… show me those paws :smirk:


I could go for a Big King XL with strawberry milkshake. No fries.


do like a good strawberry milkshake.


Might not be a bad thing for me, easier to see :mag: :smile:

I had a quick look at the UI, it is good that there is finally in game choice and I can see more easily see what is being cast. I didn’t know the talent trees were on, so will look.

That is pretty much my jam, although I will also try open world bosses if they are not a death gauntlet maze to get to.

Thank you for your answers and info :smiley: :sunflower:

I am now tempted :cake:, was worried that it could be buggy as they might have rushed it.

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As you can tell, my Photoshop Paint skills are on another level.
But just look at this

I used to sell Milkshake at Goldshire, but that was a long time ago.


i imagine if i had some of your milkshake i would die from protein overdose :wink:

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25-50gr np!

I rarely drink these but it does taste nice.
Maybe mix it with ice cream and… voila. Protein milkshake.

Kit will have a field day with this

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I will say that things are a bit easier to get to with dragonriding but you do need to get used to dragonriding, I am not the biggest fan of it but I don’t hate it either.

I’m currently having fun testing out reaching high places for reasons I won’t spoil :laughing:

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I should feel offended!
I think
I’m… not that sure
Anyhow, ice creaaaaaam!!!

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Here you go!

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It is tasty and even good four your skin

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