Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

good mornin!

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You put cheese in a cheese fondue?

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I ususally ate cheese for the chocolate fondue, some Gruyère, Appenzeller or if I manage to get my hands on, some Jarlsberg cheese
But cheese in a cheese fondue is not unheard of, just need a different type, for the contrast and flavours

Nicotine and caffeine here


Ewww…? :grimacing:

a standard breakfast for smokers, i would say. afriend of mine used to add to espresso coffe a good sip of grappa. every morning.

Interesting…needs more wine though

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found now on reddit


I was mindlessly leveling… and Shadowlands intro poped up
O’ how I laughed
Then re-queued for TW
NEVER… EVER… want to see that abomination again
I will miss Big Daddy D. tho’
But he survived so, I’m sure we will see him :heart:


All a growing body needs


Neither of those are meant for a growing body. Rather, for the worker class in factories :sweat_smile:

That said I do chug a good coffee every morning if I have some at home.

Something like this?

The worker class needs one more ingredient for a stable, healthy breakfast to keep them going all day in the factories.

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yes. you put that inside an espresso. is called caffè corretto. you can use sambuca too.

It appears like some champagne to me… so this coffee is supposed to make you tipsy?

nah is just to start with a sprint.


I approve of this…especially if the alcohol drink is Baileys

Okay, I’ll keep this in mind for parties.

It’s never a good idea to attend work when tipsy… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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this is really popular.

Give me waves of grain alcohol and we’ll see how purple your majesty gets…
It’s from a song, before you start accusing me :grin:
Okay, maybe the lyrics are a bit out of context :smirk:
You know what, never mind, just pour a glass!

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