Do NOT delete this thread strikes again! (maybe)

Breakfast of Champions

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Question… Should I continue to post on this (my main)… Or…

Or on this… An alt. But… More reminiscent of my old main. :wink:

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Good morning

As the big day draws nearer and nearer, I’m curious… how many of you will jump in to the new expansion/pre-patch event and how many will just… continnue the daily gaming, wait out 'till the first wave of server clog calms down and will do it in his/her own pace?

I would say this. i always remember you as tahra. But how do you have such difference between achieve in 2 chars?

ill be away for 10 days so, because i want the mog ill continue to level some toons but ill be more focused on mogs. Good morning

And here a pic for you all:


Good morning guys

Got my morning workout done :hot_face: IT HURT

But it’s not a workout if it doesn’t hurt a little…

And that’s what she said 🫵🏻

I think I will do that yeah. I’m not that patient.


I wonder what it will be like, especially the talents :smiling_face_with_tear: probably gonna do some M+ postseason to try the new trees, or Torghast on alts (as none of them are above 240 ilvl… wanted to play one but was quite discouraged by the upgrade path restrictions, leggoes, tier and whatnot)

Not even bought DF yet, will wait till nearer the release date- looking forward to messing around with the new UI and talent trees though…


im scared by the first day of DF for the queues… im actually levelling a shammy in a medium server in order to play :smiley:

I will be back in retail over the next week or so sorting out talent trees and setting my UI and add-ons, I will likely do the prepatch event for the mogs and the anniversary event is happening sooner than currently shown on the live calendar so there will be goodies from that too.

As for DF I will take my time and enjoy the levelling, I’m in no rush to get to 70 and “end game”

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I bit the bullet and got it a few days ago. I like having access to the new class in prepatch and I know I’ll play DF so…

Prob no surprise but not bought it here yet.

Prob wait till after launch


Morning all !

Are you referring to Phase 2 ?

Apart from participating in a new UI and talents load test, is there anything else new to do in Phase 1 ? :thinking:

I am not complaining about them doing a slow pre-patch release btw, the only info I have seen didn’t go into much detail about the patch events.


in fact im scared by the first day of df. having almost the 100% chars on draenor and silvermoon means to have queues for hours.

maybe is better. will see. but i think wont be so different from sl prepatch.

That sounds bad.
Have they not managed to fix release login problems by now ?

Temporary extra servers, more hamsters or something ? :woman_shrugging:

dunno. but im levelling chars to avoid this situation. and if there will be impossible to play… ill play somethin else for a while. :smiley:

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You’re welcome :yum:


Prepatch is for setting up new ui, new binds n macros, testing new specs and random bgs.

At launch I’ll probably start leveling right away. AD is not super crowded.
At my own pace though. I’m in no rush… also random bgs.

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Tomorrow Pre patch phase 1! im gonna be able to make a cool UI finally!